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Could i have septicaemia?

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I think what is worrying me is the fact that i feel like i am going to throw up, I feel like this all the time and last day or so it has been bad.


Also the last day or so i have been getting shivering and chills.


I also feel very lethargic and generally unwell, My stomach is quite uncomfortable and my appetite has been very bad lately and i do sometimes feel like i am forcing myself to eat.


I went to a walk-in centre not too long ago, I wasn't checked over much, My temperature and pulse was taken and that was it really.


They did do some blood tests but i have to wait 5-6 days for the results to come back.


im no medical profesional but there seems to be a lot of things flying about at the mo several people i know have been ill, i myself have not been feeling 100% this week.


id wait untill you get the blood tests back hun to do any real panicking, theres no point stressing until you know for sure is there? it will only make you feel worse. and it could be something simple like a little infection somewhere, a bad cold, a touch of flu or even a virus or viral infection, all these things are rather normal and simple but make you feel awful when you have them. :(


good luck and i hope you feel better soon and that the tests come back all good for you.

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I think what is worrying me is the fact that i feel like i am going to throw up, I feel like this all the time and last day or so it has been bad.


Also the last day or so i have been getting shivering and chills.


I also feel very lethargic and generally unwell, My stomach is quite uncomfortable and my appetite has been very bad lately and i do sometimes feel like i am forcing myself to eat.


I went to a walk-in centre today not too long ago, I wasn't checked over much, My temperature and pulse was taken and that was it really.


They did do some blood tests but i have to wait 5-6 days for the results to come back.


I don't mean to minimize your illness, far from it; I think you did the right thing in going to see a doctor. I only want to put your mind at ease as regards it being something as deadly serious as septicaemia, which it almost certainly is not.


It is unlikely to be a blood infection of any kind, and more likely to be a stomach or chest infection; both painful and annoying enough, but not remotely likely to be life-threatening.

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Joanne5600 has got me worried about Endocarditis now :(


I have had oral problems for a long time because of cysts i have had removed in my jaw and having excellent oral hygiene is quite difficult for me as my teeth got moved a lot and they now aren't straight at all due to a couple of op's in the past.


I would worry though about bacteria getting into my bloodstream and going to the lining of the heart and causing heart failure.


From what I have read about Endocarditis you can develop it from bacteria in your mouth but usually you have to have existing heart valve problems or heart disease and i don't have any of them to my knowledge and i am 30 years old and the only health condition i have is Asthma.


From now on i think i'll take more antibacterial mouthwash to try and prevent any future problems providing i don't have anything like Endocarditis right now.

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Joanne5600 has got me worried about Endocarditis now :(


This is the inevitable problem with diagnosis-by-forum. Someone will mention the extremely unlikely and seriously nasty things that it might be, and the patient gets worried that he has one of them. It's the same human impulse that leads us to automatically think "cancer" when we find a lump, although a harmless ganglion or cyst is vastly, vastly more likely an explanation.

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Oh and i forgot to mention the other reason why i thought i had Septicaemia, Because about 9 days ago i went to the doctors and got diagnosed with Tonsillitis so i took Pencillin for a week.


I had a lot of pus in my throat last week and i know in some cases abeit rare that tonsillitis or pus can get into the bloodstream but as it was last week i'm sure it doesn't take more than a few hours or a day or two to get into the bloodstream and after 9 days i'm sure i wouldn't still be here if i had Septicaemia.

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I had a lot of pus in my throat last week and i know in some cases abeit rare that tonsillitis or pus can get into the bloodstream but as it was last week i'm sure it doesn't take more than a few hours or a day or two to get into the bloodstream and after 9 days i'm sure i wouldn't still be here if i had Septicaemia.


This CAN happen when tonsillitis is untreated, but you had yours treated so it couldn't develop further. I had this, where tonsillitis develops into Quincy, which can turn to blood poisoning, and trust me if you had it you would know. I ended up hospitalised with Quincy three years ago, and that is the stage before the doom of blood poisoning.

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This CAN happen when tonsillitis is untreated, but you had yours treated so it couldn't develop further. I had this, where tonsillitis develops into Quincy, which can turn to blood poisoning, and trust me if you had it you would know. I ended up hospitalised with Quincy three years ago, and that is the stage before the doom of blood poisoning.


Well i took Penicillin last Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, I went away at the weekend and left my pills behind so I had to miss them until Monday and I took them Monday and Tuesday and a few on Wednesday before a GP at the walk-in centre advised me to stop taking them incase they were the reason for my nausea and upset stomachs so i didn't have a full course, My tonsils are still quite red and a little swollen but there doesn't seem to be any pus around anymore, Besides there's two types of Tonsillitis bacterial and viral and viral cannot be treated anyway but i must have had bacterial tonsillitis hence being given Penicillin.

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