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Could i have septicaemia?

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Well i took Penicillin last Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, I went away at the weekend and left my pills behind so I had to miss them until Monday and I took them Monday and Tuesday and a few on Wednesday before a GP at the walk-in centre advised me to stop taking them incase they were the reason for my nausea and upset stomachs so i didn't have a full course, My tonsils are still quite red and a little swollen but there doesn't seem to be any pus around anymore, Besides there's two types of Tonsillitis bacterial and viral and viral cannot be treated anyway but i must have had bacterial tonsillitis hence being given Penicillin.


If it was related to your bad tonsils, i'm sure you would know about it. When it happened to me my throat swelled to the point where I couldn't swallow any liquids and ended up on a drip, which is what happens when you have a major problem in that area. If you still have a sore throat try gargling with salt water and if you are really worried about your symptoms phone NHS direct, rather than googling them.

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If it was related to your bad tonsils, i'm sure you would know about it. When it happened to me my throat swelled to the point where I couldn't swallow any liquids and ended up on a drip, which is what happens when you have a major problem in that area. If you still have a sore throat try gargling with salt water and if you are really worried about your symptoms phone NHS direct, rather than googling them.


My throat isn't that sore, My voice is ok and i can swallow liquids without any problem and i can eat ok despite my bad appetite.


I have rang NHS Direct today about my symptoms and seen a GP today, The GP fobbed me off a bit but at least my pulse and temperature were checked and they performed some blood tests.

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are you taking lots of pankillers for the toothache???? Ibuprofen can damage the stomach and make you feel very sick!


No, I don't take Ibuprofen or anything because of my Asthma i only take Paracetamols and I have only been taking them for 3 or 4 days, My stomach problems started before this time along with the nausea.

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Well i took Penicillin last Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, I went away at the weekend and left my pills behind so I had to miss them until Monday and I took them Monday and Tuesday and a few on Wednesday before a GP at the walk-in centre advised me to stop taking them incase they were the reason for my nausea and upset stomachs so i didn't have a full course, My tonsils are still quite red and a little swollen but there doesn't seem to be any pus around anymore, Besides there's two types of Tonsillitis bacterial and viral and viral cannot be treated anyway but i must have had bacterial tonsillitis hence being given Penicillin.


hope your feeling better soon

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didnt mean to worry you just i have spent a week or so in lgi with my son whilst having a heart op and there was a girl in there who had been treated for flu - she had some tests done and she had developed endocarditus - if you have had blood tests this should show it up. I hope its not but just wanted you to have it ruled out particularly if you had teeth problems

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As i said my oral health isn't too great because of op's i have had and other things, I have a few things that need sorting out at the dentist and i shall be getting them sorted out a.s.a.p.


I know that bad oral health can cause heart disease, pneumonia, strokes, heart attacks etc, I'm a bit concerned as i'm not sure if how i am feeling is down to a virus or down to my teeth or bacteria or what, I'm only 30, I just hope my teeth problems can be sorted once and for all and i hope it isn't already too late and hope i haven't got endocarditis or heart disease or anything like that, I don't smoke and very rarely drink.

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toodlepip, I think you need to calm down a little bit. Stressing about all the mystery illnesses you may or may not have is not going to help you get better. Leave that to the doctors. In the meantime rest up, keep comfy, watch rubbish on the telly (or read rubbish on the internet), drink lots of fluids, eat bland foods (toast, crisps + veg soup work for me) and DON'T WORRY so much!


I don't think the doctor has fobbed you off really ... If you have a simple viral infection, there is not a lot they can do but wait for your body to fight it off (like a cold or flu). The blood tests you have been given should reveal if this is the case.

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