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The Pope's Visit

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:loopy::loopy::loopy::loopy: its not an honour if you think the catholic church is ridiculous and beyond contempt. I am not honoured I am disgusted!


I will just add Im not disgusted by the man-hes just deluded I am disgusted by the church!


It's just a man in a frock which a few people like, why get so upset about it?

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That is the only description for you people.




Because we're not catholic?


Because we don't want to pay for a non-entity to visit this country?


Because we're not hypocrites?


Or is it just because we don't agree with you?


What makes him the holiest man on Earth?


His preachings are full of holes?

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So, you don't like him. Others do. Each to their own.


More people don't want to pay for him to come here though, which means that the majority are to pay for a minority interest group to be visited by their leader.:mad:

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More people don't want to pay for him to come here though, which means that the majority are to pay for a minority interest group to be visited by their leader.:mad:


I'm not a fan of the Chinese President, a country probably much worse in it's treatment of fellow humans, but still we all contributed to his State Visit via our taxes, such is life.

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Is this a proven fact ?


Nope, just a guess base on:


How many catholics are there in the UK and how many non catholics are there in the UK.


Also, we (the UK) did away with the need for the pope when Cromwell kicked them out & formed the Anglican (CoE) church centuries ago.

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