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The Pope's Visit

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Complete rubbish, and stop with the personal abuse, why are atheists so abusive?
Right now we're throwing the odd insult at you because you cannot/will not debate honestly.


Your behaviour is typical of a creed that killed more people in the last 100 years than the church managed in the previous 19 centuries.


lol, now it comes out. You're a prejudiced idiot.

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It is difficult to think of anything which could more effectively enrage and energise the opponents of his visit. English atheism descends very clearly from protestantism, and tends to regard Catholicism as the purest and most evil religion. Its noisiest current spokesman, Richard Dawkins, once said in Dublin that "Horrible as sexual abuse no doubt was, the damage was arguably less than the long-term psychological damage inflicted by bringing the child up Catholic in the first place."


That's the kind of blind hatred we've seen from the frothing atheists here.

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If the atheists are so offended at nazis being called extreme secularists, why are they so insistent on the myth that the nazis were Christian?
We aren't.


Many of us will not hesitate to point out the fact that the nazi's were Christians though. As well as the fact that the people that voted in the Nazis were overwhelmingly Christian, and that the people who carried out the orders of the nazis were overwhelmingly Christian.


Hitler took the view that man is God, exactly what atheists say.

Firstly, what makes you think Hitler took that view?


I've never seen a quote from Hitler that implies he was an atheist. He spoke often of the creator. Even in the discredited quotes you mined earlier he talked about 'the godhead' but you cut that part out because you are a liar.


Secondly, you are stereotyping and generalising about atheists. Your double standards are showing through again. You will bend over backwards to defend and apologise for every single group in society except atheists. Your recent posts indicate your hatred of us and I find it quite distasteful. You are a prejudiced hypocrite and no liberal.

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Right now we're throwing the odd insult at you because you cannot/will not debate honestly.




lol, now it comes out. You're a prejudiced idiot.



Stalin, Pol Pot Mao, all atheists.


You insist Christians are responsible for Hitler, against all the evidence.


Why get abusive when it's pointed out the ranks of atheists contain equal monsters?


What's dishonest about my argument?


The only posts that have been deleted from this thread have been filth posted about the pope...

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We aren't.


Many of us will not hesitate to point out the fact that the nazi's were Christians though. As well as the fact that the people that voted in the Nazis were overwhelmingly Christian, and that the people who carried out the orders of the nazis were overwhelmingly Christian.



Firstly, what makes you think Hitler took that view?


I've never seen a quote from Hitler that implies he was an atheist. He spoke often of the creator. Even in the discredited quotes you mined earlier he talked about 'the godhead' but you cut that part out because you are a liar.


Secondly, you are stereotyping and generalising about atheists. Your double standards are showing through again. You will bend over backwards to defend and apologise for every single group in society except atheists. Your recent posts indicate your hatred of us and I find it quite distasteful. You are a prejudiced hypocrite and no liberal.



Oh, stop with the abuse, you're behaving like a nazi.

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Here's Goebbels:


[Hitler] expressed his revulsion against Christianity. He wished that the time were ripe for him to be able to openly express that. Christianity had corrupted and infected the entire world of antiquity. (Elke Frölich. 1997-2008. Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels. Munich: K. G. Sauer. Teil I, v. 6, p. 272.


Here's Speer:


"[Hitler speaking:] You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?" Albert Speer. 1971. Inside the Third Reich. Translated by Richard Winston, Clara Winston, Eugene Davidson. New York: Macmillan. p. 143.

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Stalin, Pol Pot Mao, all atheists.


Are you serious? You're going to be that much of a hypocrite?


Allow me to quote from this guy on sheffield forum, called Spindrift, from earlier today, no less. One of the only things you've said today that I agreed with.


Know what? Hitler was a vegetarian! Oooh, those evil vegetarians! He also recommended that parents give their children milk to drink instead of beer and started the first anti-smoking campaign. (So by the "reasoning" used in these types of arguments, if you are truly anti-Hitler, you should smoke heavily and only give your baby beer!) Better watch out, though he was an oxygen-breather, too! In other words, does it really matter whether Hitler was an atheist or a Christian or whatever? Just because somebody may hold a particular worldview (along with other views) doesn't make him a spokesman for that view, or even remotely representative of others who hold that view. No matter how his madness is painted, he was still evil incarnate.


You are a hypocrite, and a lot less intelligent than I thought. What, did you forget that you'd written this or something?


The only posts that have been deleted from this thread have been filth posted about the pope...

No I'm saying that earlier today you used the quote "Christianity is an invention of sick brains" to try and prove that Hitler was an atheist.


You dishonestly cut out the second part of the quote which is as follows:


"one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery"


Even the sources that you used agree that Hitler was an atheist. Here's another couple of quotes from 'Table talk'


"We don't want to educate anyone in atheism."


"An uneducated man, on the other hand, runs the risk of going over to atheism (which is a return to the state of the animal)"


So as you can see, even if the source you used wasn't discredited, it still would not show that Hitler was an athiest.

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