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The Pope's Visit

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If that's not fair how about we compare how they dealt with the issue of their Priests raping children instead then?





The percentage of pedophilia cases in all professions that deal with children (teaching, daycare etc.) is exactly the same as it is in the Catholic Church.


In all cases the number of paedophiles was less than 1%.



Furthermore, there have been more protestant ministers who have been exposed as paedophiles in the past twenty years than Catholic Priests.


These facts prove two things. First, paedophilia has nothing to do with celibacy. Married men are just as likely to be pedophiles as celibate men. Second of all, Pope Benedict and the members of the Church hierarchy are no more “guilty” of failing to deal with the problem of paedophilia than the many school boards or daycare administrators who failed to deal with paedophiles in their organizations.



AND YET…..A survey for the Wall Street Journal-NBC News, it was found that 64 percent of the public thought that Catholic priests “frequently abused children”. This is outrageously unfair, but it is not surprising given the media fixation on this issue.



Some helpful facts helpful to combat statistical illiteracy and general Christophobia 1) There are over 1 billion Catholics worldwide. 2) the highest and most generous estimate (with no real studies to back the number) is half a million abused over half a century. 3) The crisis of paedophilia affected less than 5/100ths of 1% of Catholics. 4) In California ALONE, 422,000 public school students will be victims of sexual misconduct by educators by the time they graduate.


5) The 61 largest newspapers in California ran FOUR articles about sexual abuse in public schools in the first half of 2002.*


6) The 61 largest newspapers in California ran ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND FORTY FOUR stories about sexual abuse in Catholic institutions in the first half of 2002.


* *Source: America Magazine, L. Martin Nusbaum, May 15, 2006

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If the Nazis were persecuting the catholic church, then why did the catholic church support Hitler's fascist ally, Franco? Furthermore, Germany was a largely Catholic and almost entirely Christian country at the time of the rise of Nazism. Without the support of a large proportion of those Christians, Hitler's rise to power would have been impossible.


Religion played very little part in Hitler's rise to power. It was more a case of the awful social conditions and political chaos that drove people to support a man who promised jobs, a level of prosperity, political stabilility and a resurgence of German pride and this he achieved by the time the war started


It's too easy to blame everything on Christians. An unemployed on the verge of starvation person of any religion would have supported a man such as Hitler, even in Britain if the conditions that prevailed in Germany in the years after WW1 had existed in Britain

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<snip yet more cut and pasted apologism>

Well if some random poster on another website says the Catholic Church dealt with paedophile priests just fine well I guess it must have.


Those behind the Ryan Commission, Murphy Report... know nothing clearly George3312 is the go to guy on this issue :roll:

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That's pretty dishonest, nobody said that or anything like it.

Your random apologist said:


"There were a few bishops (a very small number) in the seventies who failed to realize the heinous nature of the crime, but Pope Benedict was not one of them. Pope Benedict was one the few people in the seventies and eighties who actually understood the problem of pedophilia. He passionately called for the firing of pedophilia priests in the church. Unfortunately, like most people during those decades, few people in the Church hierarchy understood what pedophilia was."


When in reality the Church's own expert upon Paedophile priests was warning them of the nature of Paedophiles back in the 50s.


If as your source claimed about paedophile priests then why hasn't he ordered that they all be fired now that he's Pope? Why hasn't he rescinded his previous directives that the church try to cover up crimes and instead ordered bishops worldwide to report abusive priests to the authorities?


You have once again selectively cut an pasted from fundamentally dishonest catholic apologist.

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