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Apparently im hurting my son


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If you asked a child what colour a (standard) window was, and they answered "transperent", would you tell them they were wrong and it was "clear" (remember, this is normal glass that most people have as windows, and not frosted/coloured)?


Well the teacher did to the child (the child knew that some windows are not transparent, but the window in question was).


That's what I mean by dumbing down/lowest common denominator.


i'm sorry luv, but I've still got no idea what you're talking about

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i'm sorry luv, but I've still got no idea what you're talking about


You said home educated children who don't know how to speak to people!


Which is why I asked if you thought clear & transparent were the same. I even provided you with a question posed to a child.


A child (5 years old) knew the difference.


The teacher, did not.


It is the schools that are producing the illiterate, not the home educated.

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You said home educated children who don't know how to speak to people!


Which is why I asked if you thought clear & transparent were the same. I even provided you with a question posed to a child.


A child (5 years old) knew the difference.


The teacher, did not.


It is the schools that are producing the illiterate, not the home educated.


Bit of a gross generalisation there sccsux, but having met a few home educated kids and read a bit about the subject I'd have to agree that what HE kids do seem to have in common is a very good set of social skills and a remarkable ease and confidence with talking to adults and other kids.

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I really resent the way RE was taught when I was at school. We had a disgusting pervy Reverend, who used to keep the girls behind class and grope our backsides. We were taught Christianity in the more unimaginative way possible and only 'studied' the NT. I knew nothing about any other religion whatsoever and dropped RE at 'O' level and did Russian instead.


LOL, ours were quite different Suff, we had a fearsome senior teacher, very dapper and precise, who would enter the classroom in a swirl of black gown.


One one occasion he came breezing in, looked at me and shouted "BOY, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IF I CALLED YOU A W*G?!"


As a self conscious 14 year old I didn't really know what to do other than gulp, but his strategy was clever because it engaged my classmates in a discussion on racism from the victim's perspective, most lessons were challenging like that, and came to be the most popular amongst our class.

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However it would be a very limited one, and affect his opportunities and experiences in later life


if they want to achive something in life that much they will always find a way to over come the lack of experiences or opporyunites



So you allow your children to do whatever they want to, just so they remain happy?


not at all .in fact there are alot of things they arn't allowed to do and it hasn't hurt them at all

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LOL, ours were quite different Suff, we had a fearsome senior teacher, very dapper and precise, who would enter the classroom in a swirl of black gown.


One one occasion he came breezing in, looked at me and shouted "BOY, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IF I CALLED YOU A W*G?!"


I think **** came from the word being stencilled on the back of native workers coats in the Far East and stood for Workers On Goverment Service.

Strange how such things can become an insult.

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Surely if you are just wanting him taught the basics, you'd also want him to give up on the sciences, after all what real use is history or geography if he has no interest in the subjects or they're not going to be of use to him in life.


Does he need biology/physics or chemistry

Art is useless and serves no purpose


I think i child should do RE, why? Because then he can question what he has been taught, I did RE, I vaguely enjoyed it. I read the bible and i question it. I question what religion has done for us. Blind ignorance is not a good state of being. Let him do RE so he can understand what is wrong with religion and if he wishes, attack it through reasoned educated debate rather than blind ignorance and prejudice


Fair point. I dont agree but fiar point.

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I can sort of understand you, in that you obviously have no interest in religion, and you probably didn't have your son baptised or named in a ceremony or any kind... I am unsure as to how his special needs present themselves, but perhaps you are also concerned that he may not be able to diferentiate between folk myths and reality - But I am not sure that preventing a child from learning folk stories from around the world is that bad a thing, in general - He'll be doing English Lit' I assume, and that is also the learning and understanding tales from long ago to the present...


Perhaps you need to let the school know exactly what it is about how they teach RE that you don't like and see if this can be modified - perhaps a discussion on faith, and a open forum regarding that in modern times these tales are widely considered to be myths - would that suit?


My bold.

Wow. Thats pretty much bang on. I didnt want to say that though as i didnt want to upset the believers (which happened anyway..lol..) but yeah, thats a huge part of it.

Im stunned someone could be so insightful from a few posts on here...


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