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SF - Simpletons, buffoons & racists?


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I was talking to a friend about Sheffieldforum and they were not impressed and summed it up as being full of "simpletons, buffoons & racists". I thought this was a little harsh, but it did get me thinking about whether its possible to successfully run a forum this big with such a disparate group of people using it.


Virtually any thread, no matter how serious, will soon get derailed by a poster making - what to them is no doubt a hilarious comment - but to most other folk is just a bit rubbish. The nature of the internet means that people have an immediate and personal interaction with anything that comes up on their screen and - as its an open forum - an invitation to post whatever comes into their heads. As postings are more or less anonymous - there's less care than if talking to people in real life. As everyone has a different background and perspective - what is relevant or humorous to one person - may not be to another.


Personally - although the constant trolling and buffoonery can get irritating - this is the price you pay for having such a large group of people who may not usually interact with each other in real life. I think the forum seems to more or less work okay - but i'd be curious on anyone else's thoughts.

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I think its sad that the mods have to intervene in so many of the threads. Its disappointing that people cannot debate in a mature way. I'd hate to see some of the nastier threats and PMs though that occasionally come up - all for the sake of a differing opinion, or the refusal to see the other's point of view.

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having said that small exclusive forums are no better


It depends what you mean by 'better' and what you want from a forum. I agree that exclusivity does not make for a lively and dynamic forum, however, there are too many posters on here who have no concept of how to debate/discuss in a sensible manner, without resorting to all kinds of outrageous personal attacks. This place is worse than Jeremy Kyle at times.

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It's much the same as any forum I guess. Charlie Brooker analogises internet forum debates as just a virtual version of people comparing the size of each others' todgers. the great online <REMOVED> fight he calls it and he theorises that it is impossible to ever win an argument against a faceless username. It's hard to disagree with him.

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Whatever the forum is and what subject someone for whatever reason will try to be negative or stupid, take it as its intended ignore it and dont add fuel to the fire,bit like naughty kids lol just ignore em.The moderaters do a brillaint job all for nothing in keeping most of the swearing,insulting racist posts from staying on.Overall i love the forum and have had some brilliant advice when ive asked for it,i refuse to let a few people spoil it for me and long may SF survive

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