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Pot Noodle - sachet or not??

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I sometimes then grab a bottle of soy sauce and add more!

Tell you what though, looking forward to trying the sticky rib flavour one that's been in my cupboard for a couple of weeks waiting for the right moment.


OK - I'm sorry, but curiosity got the better of me so I have to ask ...


... When exactly is the 'right moment' to eat a pot noodle? :gag:

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I've not had a Pot Noodle for decades, but one of the reasons I love my father very much indeed is that he came to visit me at the hall of residence, saw the food, went out and came back with a catering size tray of chicken and mushroom Pot Noodles. These I ate, over the following weeks, without the poncy sachets, but with white sliced bread. And it was bliss.


Ahh....what our digestive systems can cope with when we are young.:D I used to do the same but if I did it now, at the ripe old age of 44, I would be reaching for the Rennies within minutes.:hihi:

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FTFY :D :d


hmm never knew you can't post all caps on here, this bit is so that it isn't all caps

That's a neat trick. The mechanism even corrected your 'FTFY' in the quote when I hit the preview button for an attempted all-caps post. Adding a single letter in lower case prevents the auto-correction.


Pot noodles: lovely stuff. Haven't had one in ages though. Used to like the cheese and tomato ones, with the sachet of powdered cheese-flavoured E number to sprinkle on top.

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