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My conservatory has been egged!

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Okay, I live in Stannington, which is a fairly decent area, or at least it was.

This past year I've noticed a steady growth in trouble with "chavs" hanging around, police sirens and general anti-social behaviour, but I wasn't prepared for this...


I woke up this morning to find two eggs splattered against my conservatory and my initial reaction was indeed "Oh my god!"


I have absolutely no idea who could have done this. I don't really have any run ins with the neighbours since most of them are elderly and I can't think of anyone who has such a grudge against me, so I'm thinking it could have been just some no-good "chavs" who were just "passing by".


So this is kind of a warning/ notice to anyone who lives around Roscoe Mount; if you've seen anyone doing this please tell me and also be wary.

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Further up in the village we're also getting our fair share of teenage nastiness. My next door neighbour's fence was smashed down a couple of months ago by a group of young lads. Ours was set fire to last month by a young lad who was seen running away. The bus stop at the back of us is reguarly filled with beer cans, plastic bags and fag packets, not to mention screaming, swearing teenagers.


These aren't chavs who are passing by, these are local young people who live in expensive houses in a nice area. We're no different from anywhere else as far as anti-social behaviour is concerned.

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