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Why is Dianne Abbott being weird, she's not racist is she?

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State schools are de rigeur for everyone except her own kids !




I lived in Hackney when she sent her son to private school. I and my brothers attended Hackney Downs a school with a once proud record of sending working class boys to Oxbridge, by the time my brothers and I arrived we were an ethnic minority in our own school, we had several fires per year, the Police were banned from the premises despite the crime and violence in the institution, the educational attainment levels went down the toilet and Oxbridge entrance had been replaced by fast tracking to Pentonville Parkhurst and 'The Scrubs'.


No wonder Dianne made an exception in her own case !


What had changed between the times of Oxbridge entrance and a not so brief sojourn in 'The Scrubs' ? The school was populated with boys whose ' West Indian Mums would go to the wall for them '


The school achieved infamy in the national press when it was finally closed down by which time even the Parent Teachers organisation was plundering the place.


Times obituary of last headmaster


Your link paints a different and more complex story than simply a problem of immigration or race. The change from a grammar school to comprehensive for example accounts for the reducing numbers of Oxbridge entrants. The way they were funded in the 80s also appears to have been a major problem with ILEA and Hackney LA, with unrepaired buildings. In the 80s I was in a similar school and well remember having to go to the local Library to do homework because the schools had been deprived of funding for course books. It sounds to me like the schools failures are largely down to lack of funding and support a product of Tory austerity measures under Thatcher.

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Obviously, any advanced European country's citizens are preferable to somebody from a banana plantation, as far as the UK goes.


You're tune is changing, you made a crass remark claiming Scandinavian nurses speak better English than West Indian ones, the standard of education might be better in European schools, it might not, but a child born to an English speaking family, who has sufficient intellect to become a nurse is unlikely to have worse English language skills than someone to whom English is a second language.

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Being racist, or to put it another way 'pro your own race' is a human trait that's wired into us as a survival mechanism. Its only intellect that gives us the option to dismiss it and get on.


I disagree entirely h2m, if I were going to subconsciously favour someone it would more likely be someone from Yorkshire, than a black cockney.

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Your link paints a different and more complex story than simply a problem of immigration or race. The change from a grammar school to comprehensive for example accounts for the reducing numbers of Oxbridge entrants.


That's entirely the issue, the old grammar schools selected kids on their academic ability, so the point Brit Pat misses is that if they're no longer able to do that then the end result will not be as academically successful as before.


It's happened to all the old grammar schools in Sheffield, and long before ethnic minorities made an appearance in any significant numbers.

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You're tune is changing, you made a crass remark claiming Scandinavian nurses speak better English than West Indian ones, the standard of education might be better in European schools, it might not, but a child born to an English speaking family, who has sufficient intellect to become a nurse is unlikely to have worse English language skills than someone to whom English is a second language.


Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch 16 year olds, i.e. the Europeans that have a better level of English comprehension than the others, can just get around English to a better standard than the average Jamaican 16 year old does, who is likelier in any case not to speak English as most people around the world would know it, but a form of dialect/patois pretty much incomprehensible to most people. The overall standard of literacy, not just in their native language, is infinitely better. Their educational systems prioritise teaching English, and because their GDP per capita is about twenty five thousand dollars a year more, it gets results.

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Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch 16 year olds, i.e. the Europeans that have a better level of English comprehension than the others, can just get around English to a better standard than the average Jamaican 16 year old does, who is likelier in any case not to speak English as most people around the world would know it, but a form of dialect/patois pretty much incomprehensible to most people. The overall standard of literacy, not just in their native language, is infinitely better. Their educational systems prioritise teaching English, and because their GDP per capita is about twenty five thousand dollars a year more, it gets results.

I've seen more examples of poor literacy on here, from the self-declared indigenous whites, than I have ever encountered in my life.

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Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch 16 year olds, i.e. the Europeans that have a better level of English comprehension than the others, can just get around English to a better standard than the average Jamaican 16 year old does, who is likelier in any case not to speak English as most people around the world would know it, but a form of dialect/patois pretty much incomprehensible to most people.
You're comparing chalk with cheese-well educated Scandinavians against poorly educated West Indians, not all scandinavians are well educated and not all West Indians are not, I can show you many examples from my own family who remain in Jamaica and academically would blind most English students, including my own well educated children.


West Indian nurses who come to work in the UK will obviously have achieved a reasonable academic standard, have English as a first language and be well motivated, evidenced by their desire to come here in the first place.


Incidentally, I've never encountered a Scandinavian who speaks English, with an English accent, just as West Indians don't.


The overall standard of literacy, not just in their native language, is infinitely better. Their educational systems prioritise teaching English, and because their GDP per capita is about twenty five thousand dollars a year more, it gets results.

Do you believe all Scandinavians take full advantage of their educational system? Most I've encountered have learnt their conversational skills in speaking English from watching English language films.
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I've seen more examples of poor literacy on here, from the self-declared indigenous whites, than I have ever encountered in my life.


Indeed, if there's something that traditional West Indian schools get right it's teaching the 3 R's and how to conjugate the Queen's English.

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Indeed, if there's something that traditional West Indian schools get right it's teaching the 3 R's and how to conjugate the Queens English.


From what I can gather, grammar is taught very much as it was here 50 years ago. Anyway, best keep that mad Creole woman locked up in the attic, hey BF, they're all barking?!


I have more difficulty understanding some Scots and Irish people than I do West Indians.:roll:

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