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ConDems may cut 40,000 police jobs warns chairman of the Police Federation

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I think it's called being honest.


You choose not to acknowledge it it because it's an ideologically unpalatable fact for you. That doesn't make it "nonsense".


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Sticking your fingers in your ears and going "la la la la" won't make the facts go away y'know.


I don't know why anyone gives the IES the time of day anymore, it is their free market policies that brought about this crisis and the propoganda they have been producing like the one you have quoted just confirms they are increasingly living in a fantasy world to distract from their inability to explain the crisis or why it is we should all be paying for a failure of the banking and free market financial system.


Have you noticed the latest OECD report is saying that because of the slow down Govts should be looking to postpone austerity measures?


3. It is not yet clear whether the loss of momentum in the recovery is temporary – as implied by the balance of strengths and fragilities discussed above – or whether it signals greater underlying weaknesses in private spending at a time when policy support is being removed.

If the ongoing slowdown is temporary, the appropriate policy response would be to postpone the withdrawal of monetary support for a few months, while maintaining planned budget consolidation to address unsustainable fiscal positions. Market conditions allowing, the automatic stabilisers should be allowed to work unimpeded around the planned consolidation path.

On the other hand, if the slowdown reflects longer‐lasting forces bearing down on activity, additional monetary stimulus might be warranted in the form of quantitative easing and commitment to close‐to‐zero policy interest rates for a long period. Where public finances permit, planned fiscal consolidation could be delayed.




The OECD's earlier advice that austerity should start was one the primary reason George Osbourne got the LibDems onside.




Mr Osborne: ..... The right hon. Gentleman talks about the international consensus. He surely must have noted how, in the month since the general election, the EU, G20, the IMF, the OECD, and of course our own Governor of the Bank of England, have all warned us about the consequences of not dealing early with our budget deficit, and not accelerating the reduction in the budget deficit that he proposed in his March Budget.


I wonder if they will they stop the cuts now the advice has changed?

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There we have it, we go from the one eyed idiot to a one trick pony, but I'm bored of this. Everyone else can see the reality of the past Labour government. Even the Lib Dem's who once backed many of Labour's policies, after seeing the reality of the damage left by Labour, back the conservatives.


I cant be bothered to fight you on this any more. I will simply link a few posts from the past about your claims each time you mention anything about the country being worth £9 trillion, just to make sure people are not taken in by your claims.


Oh dear Serapis, that looks remarkably like someone backing away from a discussion without answering the point.


Perhaps I'll put it another way and you may then still tell me how Labour has messed the economy up.


It took thousands of years for the UK'S worth to go from nothing to 3 Trillion, it then took 13 years under Labour for it to go from 3 Trillion to between 7 and 9 Trillion (depending on which ONS report is accurate.


Now once again I politely ask, how has Labour messed the economy up.

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I think it's called being honest.


You choose not to acknowledge it it because it's an ideologically unpalatable fact for you. That doesn't make it "nonsense".


Sticking your fingers in your ears and going "la la la la" won't make the facts go away y'know.


It took thousands of years for the UK'S worth to go from nothing to 3 Trillion, it then took 13 years under Labour for it to go from 3 Trillion to between 7 and 9 Trillion (depending on which ONS report is accurate.


Now once again I politely ask, how has Labour messed the economy up.

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Oh dear Serapis, that looks remarkably like someone backing away from a discussion without answering the point.


Perhaps I'll put it another way and you may then still tell me how Labour has messed the economy up.


It took thousands of years for the UK'S worth to go from nothing to 3 Trillion, it then took 13 years under Labour for it to go from 3 Trillion to between 7 and 9 Trillion (depending on which ONS report is accurate.


Now once again I politely ask, how has Labour messed the economy up.


On the numerous occasions I have asked you for clarification, you have failed to respond.


I have questioned your claims for something like 3-5 months, but you have only recently (last 2 weeks) conceded that the date used appears wrong. That would be your data as mine has been published and put into context many times. Yours however has yet to be clarified or put into any form of context.


Lastly, the rise in UK worth is in-line with the rise in GDP. These two factors are explicitly linked. UK GDP has grown at much the same rate since the 1980's. Our EU neighbours have also benefited form the same rates of growth. Only someone with a real lack of understanding of economics would look at the UK in isolation and only over a small length of time and make any kind of judgement.


Your claims that Labour single handedly pushed the UK worth to the levels discussed are both simplistic and wrong. That's is unless you think that Labour should take the credit for doing the exact same thing to the French and German economies.




Titanic, you are nothing more than a Labour party propaganda distributor. You cant stand the fact Labour lost, you cant comprehend Labour have done anything wrong. This is why your opinions and your comments are laughed at so often. You epitomise the burying band news, bullion selling, responsibility dodging labour party that those with any sense grew to hate. Even your own ex leader, Blair has said labour lost its way.

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On the numerous occasions I have asked you for clarification, you have failed to respond.


I have questioned your claims for something like 3-5 months, but you have only recently (last 2 weeks) conceded that the date used appears wrong. That would be your data as mine has been published and put into context many times. Yours however has yet to be clarified or put into any form of context.


Lastly, the rise in UK worth is in-line with the rise in GDP. These two factors are explicitly linked. UK GDP has grown at much the same rate since the 1980's. Our EU neighbours have also benefited form the same rates of growth. Only someone with a real lack of understanding of economics would look at the UK in isolation and only over a small length of time and make any kind of judgement.


Your claims that Labour single handedly pushed the UK worth to the levels discussed are both simplistic and wrong. That's is unless you think that Labour should take the credit for doing the exact same thing to the French and German economies.




Titanic, you are nothing more than a Labour party propaganda distributor. You cant stand the fact Labour lost, you cant comprehend Labour have done anything wrong. This is why your opinions and your comments are laughed at so often. You epitomise the burying band news, bullion selling, responsibility dodging labour party that those with any sense grew to hate. Even your own ex leader, Blair has said labour lost its way.


Still getting yourself upset about this one old lad.


Let me be absolutely clear on a couple of aspects of your post.


I have in no shape or form conceded your figure to be correct, you’ve linked to a document indicating the figure is just below 7 Trillion and I’ve linked to a document showing it to be 9 Trillion.


As both documents are from the same source I have sought clarification as to which is correct, my own feeling is that more things are covered in the 9 Trillion than in the 7 Trillion but as I’ve said let’s wait and see before either is judged correct.


Your second point about me being a Labour propagandist is comical, I very nearly voted Libdem at the last election but I’m mightily relieved I didn’t because the current Government is like a nightmare that I really want to wake up from.


What I will concede is an annoyance at people like yourself who get taken in by the nonsense the media churn out to help their friends in the Tory party, the fact is (and I really can’t be any clearer than this) that under Labours stewardship the worth of UK PLC went from in the region of 3 Trillion to somewhere ranging between 7 and 9 Trillion. Now I’m sorry but these are the facts that you may not like, but the reality is that it took UK PLC thousands of years to have its wealth valued from zero to 3 Trillion, it then took 13 years under Labour for this to increase from 3 to between 7 and 9 Trillion.


Now I know this doesn’t suit your political argument, but for the sake of everyone grow up and take it on the chin and admit they actually did a good job of running the economy.

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You know folk always do this about the Tories, scare mongering. Remember when Boris Johnson was elected Mayor of London, they were saying London would be in chaos, I remember seeing a photoshopped image of London predicting what it would be like under Boris, looked like after the Blitz. None of the doom and anarchy materialised, so if, and it's a big if, because I think this is just the spin a union is putting out, it might mean some impact, but I don't think Britain is going to turn into Mexico City overnight.


Who exactly is scaremongering here?


"The Police Superintendents Association is behaving like a trade union. There is little difference between Derek Barnett's tactics and those of Bob Crow, writes Alan Cochrane"






It looks like those flapping about hysterically waving their hands in the air in a panic are Tories.

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Who exactly is scaremongering here?


"The Police Superintendents Association is behaving like a trade union. There is little difference between Derek Barnett's tactics and those of Bob Crow, writes Alan Cochrane"






It looks like those flapping about hysterically waving their hands in the air in a panic are Tories.


Bit of a difference between a newspaper publishing their view and a representative of the police making alarmist statements.

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