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Self Centred people - really annoy me!

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I completely understand that some people might not be able to go due to finances, but its not as tho they have only been invited a couple of days before, theres not many people who are genuinely skink, I have found that after the event they dont seem to be that skint, when there going out drinking etc...


I know a few skint people who go out and buy tv's, playstations, booze, sky tv ect and then moan they havent got anything all the time.

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Are we not all selfish? Why would anyone want to go somewhere they didn't want to.


The only thing i find wrong that the OPs "friend" did or rather didn't do is to say that they didn't want to go from the start. But then again some people just can't except the answer "no"


Can't stand these family social things myself, but i do always say "when hell freezes over I might come":D


On the other side of the coin, if someone lets me down for no reason they don't get a chance to do it again. If people put up with that behaviour from so called friends then they really can't complain when it happens yet again can they?

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