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Government call for shorter school holidays

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What are our children being educated for these days?

There is no work in the offing, so no need for education.

Ban all new pregnancies, until people can prove they can independently support themselves and their families.

If this lot get in again, that will be the mantra.

Who would believe the Liberals would support such rubbish?

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I would prefer to see two weeks shaved off the summer break and one added onto the Christmas or Easter break and one onto the spring half term.


Yes good idea, it will keep them off the streets and they may even be tempted to stay in and catch up on their studies - if they need to of course




how about Winter Camp?:hihi:

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Abolishing the "school holiday" altogether and having a 51-week* school year, in which children can miss any six weeks of the parents' choice (exception exam weeks, I suppose) would be an ideal solution. Among other things, it would wipe out the excessively high demand for holiday resorts in August which causes prices to rise so much.


It would, though, need a radical revamp of the way children are taught, since at any one time at least one child is likely to be missing for the week out of a class.



*Well, they can still be off between Christmas and New Year.


All education departments have to do is agree between themselves to have different school holidays. When I was younger my cousins lived in Leicestershire. Their holidays started at the end of June and they went back straight after August bank holiday. They always had thier summer holiday whilst I was still at school and saved a fortune.


I'd quite like 2 weeks for October and Spring Bank half terms and two fewer weeks in the summer holiday.

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I find it sad that people want children to spend more time at school, they spend at least from from the age of 4-16 there as it is :hihi: As a kid I loved the holidays and then equally looked forward to going back to school once I got bored :hihi:


It would be nice for teachers though, they would be able to take time off with their partners and friends as often it is hard for other people to get the time off in the summer, and be able to visit places in the world that are rubbish to visit in the summer months :) Teachers would also get a pay rise for all the extra hours they would be expected to work.


The negatives would be that I doubt you would attract as many people into the profession. I'm not quite sure who is going to pay for the extra hours and all the support staff, heating of buildings ect. How would coursework and missing work be dealt with? How would you feel your child being taught (or should this really be called baby sat?) by unqualified cover staff just before an important examination or coursework deadline? . If I was a kid or parent that wants my kid to do well it would naff me off slightly!


I don't think there is really a perfect answer. The answer really is a society problem that makes both parents have to work to maintain a house and live, which I find really sad :( It is putting me off having children as I would want to be at home for the first 7 years and I can't afford to do that :(


EDIT: wonder why public schools have not gone for a 6 week holiday taken whenever....they actually have more holidays!

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The same would apply to teachers as to pupils; take leave when wanted, and the school brings in cover.


And how would the cover teacher know what to teach, when the class teacher decides to take a holiday?

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How on earth does that represent a sensible contribution to the thread?


Is Nick Clegg not a leading light in the Government?


Have you not read the thread title?

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My daughter gets 10 weeks off for summer vacation. School ends about the second week of June and goes back at the end of August. I wouldn't mind shaving a couple of weeks off of that so they get longer breaks at Christmas and Easter but I wouldn't want to shorten it more than that. We had a great time this summer, my oldest got to do some really fun things. If summer was as short as some suggested, there wouldn't have been time to do family vacations and all of the other things, too.

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How on earth does that represent a sensible contribution to the thread?


Be fair, the political trolls have to get their quota of posts in somehow.


And how would the cover teacher know what to teach, when the class teacher decides to take a holiday?


Hmmm... I dunno.



Oh wait, here's a thought, maybe they could, y'know, talk to each other about it?


It's a wacky, Vague Boy idea but it might just work.

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