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Tony Blair to be honoured..shock horror!

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Some people seem to forget what a great orator he was, forgetting your political persuasions who out of the present bunch could hold an audience like he could.


Great orator? I don't think that he was, his delivery is too staccato and contrived. He does however reputedly have charisma, but then so did Hitler, by the bucketload, apparently.

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Some people seem to forget what a great orator he was, forgetting your political persuasions who out of the present bunch could hold an audience like he could.
"In a sense" to use Blairs often repeated phrase, probably a great salesperson rather than a great orator!

It is quite frightening to think that there could be a Prime Minister in five years time out of the present bunch of wet behind the ears third rate candidates presently on offer,there is simply no class or quality amongst them.

Apart from that we have still ended up disastrously with Blair and Brown at the helm after 13 years,through lack of regulated leadership,allowing property prices and wages to end up 50% overvalued, and keeping the whole economy propped up on borrowings.However the party is ending, we cannot keep borrowing to provide public sector jobs and pensions that produce nothing we can sell, so it is no good moaning about Coalition cuts,everyone agrees it makes sense as long as it is not in their backyard!

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