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Tony Blair to be honoured..shock horror!

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Ulster was a long term project well under way long before Bliar came on the scene.


MI6 Back channels were in place in the 70's.


The Balkans ? The Serbs were forced to cede territory to albanian terrorists way to go Tone !


Sierra Leone - Recolonisation by another name.


Iraq starved and blown to bits for and on behalf of Israel.


Afghanistan - If that's conflict resolution then Sidney Cook is baby sitter of the decade !!!


Britain is recolonising Sierra Leone in an attempt to get its hands on the country's diamonds


like i said if the plebs are not moaning your doing it wrong. well done toney

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To make the obvious point, in terms of the USA Blair was a great orator - when compared to their own leader.


But anyway yeah, Ireland?


I think, the late, great, Mo Mowlem was the prime mover there, even if Tony did treat her like the office lass.

But obviously being the person he morphed into over the years, he took all the credit.

In his early days, I really admired him, and I do believe he was sincere.

But he was sucked into the world of power and privilege that is upper class USA, and was lost to us.


I will say this, given the old Tony Blair, the Camerons and Cleggs of this world, would still be skulking licking their wounds.

Not heaping this vile retribution upon us, for the mockery they received at the hands of Gordon Brown.

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It beggars belief ! Here is a man responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians in the middle east over the last ten years and they give him an award ! Hitler will be getting a prize for world peace next ! It's unreal !


I know,i saw it on RT news this morning.i feel gutted.this world is so screwed up.:confused:

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It beggars belief ! Here is a man responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians in the middle east over the last ten years and they give him an award ! Hitler will be getting a prize for world peace next ! It's unreal !


I supported him over his actions 100%.

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