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Pubs in that show 'Premier Sports' TV?


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Moke. Ditto, maybe we watched the same perfectly legal online stream!


I have no real sadness about losing to AFC - if any team deserves to get promoted this season it's your guys. Finely written that Kedwell scored the winner.


A conference club would be excellent - if we pick a pub and lobby it they're sure to bow to our pressure. Think of the dozens of pints they'd sell! And we'd keep any rowdy league fans in check too, combined customers/security!

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I bumped into a couple of Wrexham fans living in Sheffield on my way back from the match on Saturday. I reckon there is the numbers of non league fans living here to justify a tv station in a pub.


Just so you know, we got dumped out of the FA Cup 5-1 by Vauxhall Motors. Not happy.

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