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So, which flu are we all going to die of THIS winter?


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The latest scare seems to be bird flu in pigs...





The thing we all dread - at least, the thing that people who understand viral evolution all dread - is if the "bird flu" H5N1 strain mutates into a strain capable of transmission from human to human, and retains its original mortality rate while doing so. If that were ever to happen, you'd be looking at a few million dead in Britain alone.


One way in which it might do that, is to mutate into a pig-transmissible form first; but usually when viruses mutate in that manner, they lose a lot of their strength and become less of a threat anyway. The "swine flu" H1N1 outbreak last year was a case in point; it mutated into a strain which could pass directly from human to human, and we prepared for the worst; but it had, indeed, lost much of its strength and - relative to what the worst would have been - it killed hardly anybody. Indeed, when I contracted it it was less bad than regular flu, let alone the pandemic killer that the WHO was worried about.

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its going to be asian flu again, cos of all those dirty muslims


gives the paranoid right yet more ammunition to be terrified


ohhh FFS! give it a rest yeah? sick of seeing this ''muslims are hard done by'' pap. Move on, find a hobbie, play some golf, defend some christians ect.

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More commonly known as the common flu - as it kills the commoners.


The poor people; the unemployed, pensioners, the working poor, the imaginary 'middle classes' who are just starting to realise that they are poor because they have been purchasing everything on credit for the past decade.


have you got something against those less fortunate than you? first you don't want pensioners to have bus passes and now you want all less fortunate people to be killed off by flu

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