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Sylvesters bar now open


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I went there today and had the hot stone steak - It was fantastic, least of all because they bring the steak on the stone to the table, so you cook it as little or as much as you want! I like mine very very rare, and it's hard to get a restaurant to serve it very blue, but the cut was good (rump) and wasn't fatty or stringy at all, came with a peppercorn sauce in a little pot, some chips, half a field mushroom, some roasted cherry tomatoes and a green salad... I had a groupon voucher, so had some soup to start and that was good too! Their food is suprisingly good, and I'll def return :) Remember when it was Boho about 5 years or so ago, that was the last time I ate in that bar and their food was awful, but Sylvesters get it spot on:)

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I bought the steak dinner for two groupon a couple of months ago when it first came up at £17 (not the more recent £18 groupon)


Decided i should probably cash in my voucher, and got my boyfriend to ring an book for saturday night (last night) after 30+ failed phone calls across the week, at varying points of the day, he decided it would be best to go in and try and book in person.


This is where it gets interesting....


On friday at roughly 4ish he went in to book.... he informed them of the fact that he had tried to ring countless times across the week, and was told the line was down. (which is weird because it rang and rang, rather than a dead tone)


he was then told that they were fully booked all evening and wouldnt be able to have our meal that night. after a bit of pushing and informing them that we've already paid and would like to use our voucher, all of a sudden they werent as booked as they said, and we had a table for 6.30pm.



6.30pm came along and we turned up at Sylvesters.


It was dead. there are about 10 tables in the resturant side max... and two of these were occcupied. so much for fully booked!


The food was lovely and really enjoyed the whole stone steak gimmick, so i cant complain about that at all. but the atposphere was seriously lacking... infact there was none.


Now im sure the way these places make money from groupons is banking on the fact that people never get round to cashing them in.


So i cant help but question why we were told they were fully booked... and then turn up to find the place like a saloon in a ghost town.


I've even gone so far as to suspect the staff being told to not answer the phone, and tell people who turn up that they are fully booked just so people dont redeem their vouchers and the bar get the money without having to do anything for it.


Its such a shame because the food was really good, but the way they acted has really put me off.


I'd love to know if others have had similar experiances, because i know there was another thread on here asking if they had infact shut down because the phone wasnt being answered

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