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Sylvesters bar now open


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I bought the steak dinner for two groupon a couple of months ago when it first came up at £17 (not the more recent £18 groupon)





Now im sure the way these places make money from groupons is banking on the fact that people never get round to cashing them in.


So i cant help but question why we were told they were fully booked... and then turn up to find the place like a saloon in a ghost town.



You would be wrong there. Thats how Groupon makes it's money.


If you don't redeem your voucher, the restaurant doesnt get paid. Groupon keeps the money.


Its in the restaurants interest to get you through the door so they can get your security code. If not they lose money on "their deal"

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Yeah, they said they were having phone problem.


But that doesnt explain why they told us they were fully booked... and then once they do 'squeeze us in' the place is dead when we arrive!


You'd think it would have been in their best interest to get people through the door.


Its a shame cos the food was really good!

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Kayl0rz I have had a similar experience so far!


I bought the Groupon voucher and tried all week last week to book a table for Friday night- the phone rang and rang with no answer. As I was in town Friday lunchtime I popped in. There was nobody in there and I waited at the bar until I saw someone, and said I wanted to book a table. A guy reluctantly went and got the booking book and I already felt uncomfortable as I felt I was a total inconveniece. I said I'd been trying to phone all week and he told me a credit card company or something had fitted a new line and broken the phone line- no apology offered at all.


I asked for a table that night about 8pm and he flicked through the diary and looked, then told me he could do 5 or 5:30. I explained that was a bit early and wanted it in the evening. He had another look and told me he could do that time, or the same Saturday night. I again explained I wanted it in the evening. He then just repeated 'Friday or Saturday 5 or 5:30'. I explained that was too early for me to get there. He then told me 'kitchen shuts at 8'. Now why didn't he just tell me that in the first place??! He then pointed out on the voucher that the kitchen was open 5-8. Yes, it was my fault for not reading the voucher properly, but it was a simple mistake. I am now really reluctant to even book to come and redeem it as I felt totally unwelcome there!


I have worked in restaurants and pubs and know it is a challenge working with the public sometimes, but I was more than polite and friendly to this guy and he made me feel like I was a pain in the arse for even walking through the door. All it takes is a smile and an open attitude to make people feel welcome and ensure they actually want to come to your restaurant!


Maybe he was having a bad day- but in doing so he has lost a willing customer! I will of course redeem my voucher as I have paid for it, but I am certainly not looking forward to it! I'm sure he's not that bothered though!

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I bought the steak dinner for two groupon a couple of months ago when it first came up at £17 (not the more recent £18 groupon)


Decided i should probably cash in my voucher, and got my boyfriend to ring an book for saturday night (last night) after 30+ failed phone calls across the week, at varying points of the day, he decided it would be best to go in and try and book in person.


This is where it gets interesting....


On friday at roughly 4ish he went in to book.... he informed them of the fact that he had tried to ring countless times across the week, and was told the line was down. (which is weird because it rang and rang, rather than a dead tone)


he was then told that they were fully booked all evening and wouldnt be able to have our meal that night. after a bit of pushing and informing them that we've already paid and would like to use our voucher, all of a sudden they werent as booked as they said, and we had a table for 6.30pm.



6.30pm came along and we turned up at Sylvesters.


It was dead. there are about 10 tables in the resturant side max... and two of these were occcupied. so much for fully booked!


The food was lovely and really enjoyed the whole stone steak gimmick, so i cant complain about that at all. but the atposphere was seriously lacking... infact there was none.


Now im sure the way these places make money from groupons is banking on the fact that people never get round to cashing them in.

So i cant help but question why we were told they were fully booked... and then turn up to find the place like a saloon in a ghost town.


I've even gone so far as to suspect the staff being told to not answer the phone, and tell people who turn up that they are fully booked just so people dont redeem their vouchers and the bar get the money without having to do anything for it.


Its such a shame because the food was really good, but the way they acted has really put me off.


I'd love to know if others have had similar experiances, because i know there was another thread on here asking if they had infact shut down because the phone wasnt being answered


Only Groupon would make money this way - the business that the voucher is for doesn't get a penny if you don't cash the voucher in... When the voucher is cashed in, they get 50%...


Weird how a few people have said that the phone isn't answered - I called on Saturday morning, and later that day I was sat in their eating my steak! The phone was ringing constantly, the bar man was booking tables that fast that it looked as though it was going to be full all week...

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