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Old school friends from hinde house or hucklow road


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Hey up Heather yes I can remember that about motor bike but cant put names to the incident . Funny how little things pop into your mind do you remember when Mr hook said we should all have a good general knowledge of every day events and he ask what was the current no 1 in pop charts and you was the only one that knew , Elvis Wooden Heart , I was so impressed .

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No house points Heather because next question was who was president of the USA and Joan Kipling answered that . Think it was JFK . Can you remember who got caught cheating in an exam , think his surname was Harrison . Yes Mr Hook was brill , met him after we had left school , at the central library he was very friendly and interested in what we was doing.

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Not quite sure but Danny rings a bell. I don’t remember him cheating, but in one exam I was sitting behind Graham Carr and he’d got the answers written on the inside of his arm. I was terrified he’d get caught, but he didn’t. Perhaps it was because we were sitting by the window and the teacher thought he was looking out.

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What fuzzy cheating had more nerve than me . I would not make a good cheat , I would be spotted from 100 yards away . I even went into exams with a new ruler with nothing wrote on it . Used to hate that time in exam when teacher said now you can turn your paper over and start , I used to panic for first minute or so till I settled down . I once sat behind Doreen White started answering questions ages before me but I always did manage to start and do has expected .

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I've got to respond to the name Graham Carr. His nickname was Fuzzy ( because he had fuzzy hair). When we left Hinde House I didn't see him again until we were about 18 yrs old. I was standing at a bus stop at Page Hall and a car pulled up in front of me. It was Fuzzy. After a few expletives he asked me where I was going and I said I'm going into town. He said jump in I'll give you a lift. When we reached the top of Burngreave road he said I'll have to turn the engine off and free wheel down to Spital Hill cos I'm really short on Petrol. This he did and as we reached the traffic lights at the junction with Gower Street the lights changed to red so we had to stop. Just at that moment a police car pulled up at the side of us and the copper driving the car shouted across to us " have you got a problem lads". Fuzzy replied "only a shortage of petrol mate, nothing to worry about ". The copper laughed and drove on. Because we had come to a stop Fuzzy had to restart the engine and we cruised on down to the Wicker, then turned off down Blonk Street where we came up to a petrol station. Fuzzy said "is it ok if I drop you here" I said yes mate and thanks for the lift. As I was getting out of the car Fuzzy said "can you lend me a couple of bob towards a gallon petrol" I nearly ****** myself laughing. I did give him something ( can't remember what) and I bade him goodbye. I have never seen him since but I did hear that he moved down Norfolk way many years ago.

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That is so funny, I wonder what path he took after leaving school. I was once going hiking with Pat Hall and he lent me his parka. Met him outside the Northern General, Herries Rd entrance next day in a blizzard because he said he’d got to have it back that day to wear for school. We walked everywhere in those days so had to walk home in snow drifts and was frozen solid when arriving back. I’d borrowed it because my coat wasn’t warm enough. It was worse weather when I gave it back.

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