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How can I GAIN weight - and not by eating donuts

shoo gal

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OK asianmouse, I'm back, sorry about yesterdays glitch.


Why would you consult doctors about your diet and nutrition when only approximately 6% of those doctors have training in nutrition?[/Quote]


OK, quite a lot in that small line.


Firstly just a wee heads up to Cyclone who's point about the UK system not being the same as the US is correct. I do still acknowledge though that both sides of the pond are to a greater or lesser extent controlled by the drugs companies, although as I understand it in the UK it's nowhere near the problem it is in the US.


This is somewhat irrelevant to the point however asianmouse, as your whole argument seems to be based on either a mis reading or mis understanding of of my point.


I said that a Doctor should be consulted in case there are any underlying issues that a nutritionalist may not pick up on, again Cyclone made a good point when noting that a Doctor, once identifying it is safe to do so, will then further your case to someone with the neccesary qualifications.


On this point I am also somewhat bewildered by your attitude considering on your own website you have the disclaimer 'All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only. Consult a physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition'.


It seems you are forming an argument against something which you yourself acknowledge should be done. The only conclusion I can come to is that you have the disclaimer to cover your own back, which suggests to me that you care more about the welfare of yourself than that of your patients.


Just a quick last point on this, you say most (Doctors) don't have a formal education, I think you will probably find that ALL Doctors in the Uk are required to have a formal education, and those visiting are required to demonstrate that they have an equivelant.


Well, this is a very generic statement, what exactly were they practicing that you deemed phony, illegitimate and disingenuous?[/Quote]


Once more you seem to have missed the point entirely. I made the point to highlight simply that good and bad can be found in all fields, had you read my post correctly you will have realised it wasn't a generic statement, as I had already stated I have friends who are holistic practioners.


You seem to be inferring the rather bizarre idea that ALL holistic practioners are without fault.


Just makes sense to me to ask for advice from people who are experienced, trained or at least knowledgeable in what they are talking about. It's kinda pointless asking opinions from people who are not adept or have some type of specialized knowledge in the field[/Quote]


There are a couple of points to make on this.


Firstly you made the point that 'Going to forum to ask for some direction is a start, but none of the folks are nutritionist or people in the health or fitness profession', then akmost immediately follow up with 'I can give you some advice and tips, since I happen to be educated in that field'.


If NONE of the people on the forum are health and fitness professionals then why, on face value, should we take your word that you are?


Secondly we need to make a wedge in the sand here.


I have more knowledge than most in health/fitness and certain philosophical positions that can improve someones life. Other than when I am specifically asked, or like in the case of this thread when I think my advice may be of some help I don't go handing it out left, right and centre. Why? Because I have no formal qualifications and as such leave it to the 'professionals'. I certainly, under no circumstances whatsoever, would charge for that advice.


IF you want to charge for such advice, and far be it from me to decide who does and who doesn't, you should have no difficulty or hesitation in providing full and verifiable documentation which proves you are suitably qualified.



Once more asianmouse let me stress that I am not calling you as an individual into question, only that some of the points in your post seem to waver between a bit strange (as in to infer by assosiation that all holistic practioners are faultless) and downright confusing (as in your argument against seeing a Doctor when you have that very disclaimer on your own website).


Clarification would be welcome.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi forumers


I've had a pretty horrible stressful few months, and being very slim and petite anyway, I've lost a bit of weight. At my heaviest i've only ever been 8 stone, but i just can't seem to get back up there. When i get up i'm about 7 stone 3 then at the end of the day obviously a bit heavier, but it fluctuates and I want to get back to my healthy weight.


Does anyone know any foods which can cause weight gain fairly soon? I eat healthily and tend to snack on fruit to keep my immune system up. I also eat salad or veg with my tea. but I just don't feel hungry at the moment and am just picking at food.


I don;t do any exercise either because I fear it will make me lose weight when i'm trying to do the opposite. Also my lifestyle has changed lately and i'm getting up later which means eating later, which makes me not really fancy lunch.


Sorry if this seems self obsessed, but it's worrying me because people are starting to see that I'm getting thin and it's not nice. People think it's ok to say to a thin person 'have you lost weight'. It's as insulting as saying to a fat person 'have you put on weight' :rant:


Anyway anyone know how to gain weight quickly? xx


God there is another me out there, hello other slim jim, I too lost weight and am trying to put it on, I am taking build up drinks, I have always been able to indulge in naughty foods without the pounds piling on, so will let you know if they help. I agree why do people think its okay to have a go at slim people, I would nt dare to say to someone you need to loose weight, your fat, but somehow they think they can say what they like to us. Not on really

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I really don;t want to take those protein shakes, they are gross!


I think I need to increase my portion size too. I do eat well, just not enough. My boyfriend says I'm quite a healthy eater, maybe I need more fat in my diet!


I might try Complan for a few days to give me a boost - as long as it's not chemically, I take it it's just a replcament for my daily multivitamin I take? Thanks everyone x


You should eat more food and exercise less without cutting too much exercise of course.


I can eat alot of Healthy food and not gain weight, it's only when I eat large amounts of ''Bad carbs'' I gain alot of weight.


Sugary Cereal

White pasta

White bread

Huge amounts of chinese, indians, etc.

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  • 2 months later...

I used to lose about half a stone to a stone in winter when I was eating bread, pies and stodgy food but in summer when I was eating salads put the weight back on.

I was always slim but found it very hurtful when people called me skinny, if only they knew the amount of food I was consuming.

To cut a long story short, I was diagnosed with Coeliac. This means that whenever I ate gluten (wheat, barley, rye and oat based foods) it ate away the lining of my intestine so food went in one end and out the other without giving me vital nutrients, hence the weight loss. I'm now on a gluten free diet for life but feel so much better for it. I've gained about 2 stone and am considered a 'normal' weight.

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  • 1 month later...

Pies, cakes, lots of wheat and fatty foods are only going to irritate your colon and more than likely make you feel crap.


I agree with a milky drink, think omega 3 so oily fish, avacado, nuts and dried fruit for snacking if you are a picker!!! A protein shake a day is a good idea, banana's, sweet potatoes made into wedges? You can get the calories through food but complan is a good alternative if you are struggling to increase your portion sizes.


Smoothies made with Yoghurt are good, seeds, fruit and vegetables. Try and keep things on you to snack on during the day, especially if you are busy or on the move. Also maybe try yoga or pilates in order to try and rebuild the mind / body connection and eventually your body will respond to its nutritional needs naturally the more it and your brain communicate effectively. Anxiety relief is also a result of this type of activity. How are you getting on?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi shoo gal,

To gain weight increase number of meals and add smarter food in your meal plans. Increase caloric intake and consume more proteins through daily meals. Eat more snacks and drink energy fluids. Increase workouts, start weight lifting and take supplements.

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I know this may sound strange but muscle adds more weight to you, not less, try to look at concentrating on building muscle 'mass' not fitness and that means weights or small weights you can put on your body as you move around.


Eating high protien items will give you the 'bulk' but you need to see a nutritionist properly and have a check of your general bloods as well. You may have a body that just burns food efficiently ( I wish I had lol), have a look at high protien foods that give you extra benefits as well (nuts and seeds etc) which are easy to add to things like yoghurt or breakfast cereals.


Some advice from your gp and local gym might help about getting your body more 'heavy' while being healthy at the same time. Hope this helps.

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