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Are we being "primed" for more 'False Flag' attacks ?

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Then most of the item leads you to believe he's still a suspect ,but if you manage to get to the end you learn he was no threat.


total rubbish. Here are the first 3 pars of the article :


Canadian police are investigating whether a phoned-in hoax caused a Pakistani jet to be diverted to Stockholm for several hours Saturday for fear that one of its passengers was carrying explosives.


Police evacuated 273 people from the jet, and briefly detained a Canadian man, after an anonymous caller in Canada tipped-off authorities that the suspect was carrying explosives.


However, no explosives were found on the man, who was released after questioning by police.


in other words, whoever wrote it, did what journos are supposed to do and summed up the main gist of the story in the first few pars (i.e. that there appeared to have been a hoax call, and an innocent man was briefly questioned by police before being released).

Maybe you should read my comment again.

I was talking about the News of the world item.( Media that the masses sadly read ). nothing on t.v news that i could find like the day before.You'd only read that internet link if you actually look for it as i did.

Anyone browsing the News Of the World on their way to the sports pages would be forgiven for not realising he had actually been released and was not a threat.

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I was talking about the News of the world item.


you mean this?




it's still a fair report, it says that no explosives were found very early on, and even if it does leave the fact that the guy was released without charge until last, it still reports it. It doesn't mention the possibility of the hoax call, but that could have been because that hadn't become clear by deadline.

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Oh the irony.


My point is,time and time again we get these stories about terrorist suspects being arrested and lead to believe it's rife,but rarely if ever is any evidence found and that is kinda hushed up,(i realise the headlines are not as exciting when nothing is found)but it would be more reassuring for us public to make a bigger point if it was a false alarm.

Instead we get "Cops Swoop On Terror Suspect" as the headline in a story that later tells you he is not a terror suspect.

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My point is,time and time again we get these stories about terrorist suspects being arrested and lead to believe it's rife,but rarely if ever is any evidence found and that is kinda hushed up,(i realise the headlines are not as exciting when nothing is found)but it would be more reassuring for us public to make a bigger point if it was a false alarm.

Instead we get "Cops Swoop On Terror Suspect" as the headline in a story that later tells you he is not a terror suspect.


They swooped on someone the SUSPECTED was involved in terrorism. HE wasn't he was released without charge which it clearly states in the article.


The Police and Security Service cannot win. They arrest people on the information thay have. They then release people without charge. What would you prefer they do wait till the act has occurred then have the entire country complaining that they should have acted?


Your complaint seems to be with the media and their hysterical reporting.

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I was talking about the News of the world item.


you mean this?




it's still a fair report, it says that no explosives were found very early on, and even if it does leave the fact that the guy was released without charge until last, it still reports it. It doesn't mention the possibility of the hoax call, but that could have been because that hadn't become clear by deadline.


It was a similar write up.

But as i said unless you read it quite carefully it would be easy to miss that point,i did when i first skimmed through to find it .

It's the seed planting thing that i suspect is intentional.

Noticed how The Iranian President's comments were not reported in the press either,or on tv after the first day.More people know about the pink cat than they do what he said about 9/11.

The Express even had a story today telling how we have been "attacked" by aliens in the past.Smokescreen stuff :suspect:


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Instead we get "Cops Swoop On Terror Suspect" as the headline in a story that later tells you he is not a terror suspect.


cops DID swoop on a terror suspect, and the News of the World went to the considerable trouble of getting a picture that shows that they did.


then they say that the guy got released without charge, and that the terror suspect that was a terror suspect is no longer a terror suspect. What the hell is wrong with that? Do you think the story should be supressed, as if this is the Soviet Union, just because it turned out the fellow was likely the victim of a vindictive hoax call?

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cops DID swoop on a terror suspect, and the News of the World went to the considerable trouble of getting a picture that shows that they did.


then they say that the guy got released without charge, and that the terror suspect that was a terror suspect is no longer a terror suspect. What the hell is wrong with that? Do you think the story should be supressed, as if this is the Soviet Union, just because it turned out the fellow was likely the victim of a vindictive hoax call?


I don't deny it happened and all details reported,its the way it's reported.

I think it's spun to support the agenda.

I only found out he'd been released because i expected it and looked for the details.

You could hardly miss it when he was first arrested,it was all over the news.

Like the murdered MI6 guy,The Sun did two days of front page stuff telling us he was into weird sex,suggesting to us he was probably killed in some sex game or by a "lover",the third day another spread but they don't mention until the last line that there was no evidence to back up what they had been claiming.But now it's a dark skinned couple seen loitering on cctv that are suspects.:suspect:

As he was involved in surveillance of taliban communications etc.My feeling is he was perhaps not happy at something he was asked to do or found out something he shouldn't,perhaps threatened to whistle blow and was murdered by his "own team". (just a possibility)

Why did it take six days to start looking for him ?

Why do the character assassination ?

Is that respectful to a guy thats been killed,and his family ?

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you're a very confused individual I'm afraid, and without the slightest insight into news and why papers print what they print. It doesn't help that you feel called upon to jump about from topic to topic every time you get cornered on a particular issue, in this case that the Sun article actually WAS balanced and fair and informed the readers pretty much what happened except the hoax phone call - which they almost certainly followed up in later editions - only this time, without the big action photo that was the raison d'etre of the story and why it was displayed prominently in the paper.

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you're a very confused individual I'm afraid, and without the slightest insight into news and why papers print what they print. It doesn't help that you feel called upon to jump about from topic to topic every time you get cornered on a particular issue, in this case that the Sun article actually WAS balanced and fair and informed the readers pretty much what happened except the hoax phone call - which they almost certainly followed up in later editions - only this time, without the big action photo that was the raison d'etre of the story and why it was displayed prominently in the paper.


I disagree.but you have a right to your opinion.

By the way where was i cornered ?

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If these men are a real danger ,shouldn't us,the public know who they are,so we could maybe help capture these dangerous people?(photo's)

Or is it just fear mongering and leading us to expect attacks and assume who's guilty without investigation ?


more false flag attacks? when have we had one?

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