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Netball for fun?


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There's a netball team that play at Meersbrook Park: http://www.meersbrook.co.uk/directory/meersbrook_park_netball_club.html


I used to play a year ago but stopped due to moving away, they are pretty relaxed, and don't take themselves too seriously. So very good if you just want to get fit and get back into it.


They are a lovely bunch there :) I would still go to the practices as I was made to feel really welcome but it clashes with my teams match night :( I think they practise on a Wed in the park and have matches once a week at EIS, but it may have changed!


If you want an email address for them just pm me.

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hi, i play in a team that is relitavely new, and of mixed abilities, we train on ed/ thur at the goodwin sports centre (shef uni) and then play in a friendly league at ponds forge on a monday. We are always looking for new players to help us have good practices and to build uo a large squad. I also live in S2 and generally walk/ cycle/ drive so i would be happy to walk up with you. We are playing this thurday at King edwards school on Glossop rd as the goodwin was booked up, you would be welcolme to come along. If you need anymore info PM me and i can give you my number

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Hi, I'm a member of a team who are looking for a couple of extra players. We train on Thursday evenings and play matches in a league at Ponds Forge on Mondays. Most of haven't played since school but we've been training for a month or so and are getting better and are hoping to do well this season. Ideally if you'd like to to join us you would be able to come to most training sessions and matches.

PM me if you fancy it x

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