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A Russian scientist says he has beaten the problem of aging


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I thought ALL men would eventually get prostate cancer if they lived long enough.


No idea, but I remember watching a TED talk about tomatoes helping prevent cancer by stopping the cancer cells from generating the natural fertiliser that makes the veins grow towards it.


If we lived longer we'd need a larger supply of tomatoes.

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I was half-listening to a medical prog on the radio last week, the general gist of which was that within the next 20 years, scientific and medical knowledge will have advanced sufficiently that most people alive in the West in 2030 could look forward to an additional 30 years on their expected lifespan. Furthermore, during that additional 30 years of their lives, knowledge would again increase exponentially thus increasing their span even more ...and so on until the body finally gives out at around 1000 years. Was anyone else tuned into this? I was a bit preoccupied so only have a vague recollection of what I heard, but it seems we're going to need industrial strength Oil of Olay for those inevitably deep crevasses.

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I recall reading somewhere once, that some 'expert' had studied the human body and worked out that if the average human led a life of 'perfect' eating, drinking exercise etc from birth... the human body would be capable of leading an active life for around 150 years before age deterioration set in and even then, could expect another 40 years or so of what we currently consider 'old age' ailments.

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I was half-listening to a medical prog on the radio last week, the general gist of which was that within the next 20 years, scientific and medical knowledge will have advanced sufficiently that most people alive in the West in 2030 could look forward to an additional 30 years on their expected lifespan. Furthermore, during that additional 30 years of their lives, knowledge would again increase exponentially thus increasing their span even more ...and so on until the body finally gives out at around 1000 years. Was anyone else tuned into this? I was a bit preoccupied so only have a vague recollection of what I heard, but it seems we're going to need industrial strength Oil of Olay for those inevitably deep crevasses.


That's just not fair at all, I don't want to spend the next 1000 years as a 60 year old.

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There is such a thing as super oxide (O2-) which is serious enough that there is a whole class of enzymes devoted to getting rid of them (super oxide dismutase)


Fair enough.


How about it later turning into very poisonous elements? Has the human body figured out nuclear fusion or alchemy?

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