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I am a crossdresser- are there any venues which will make me feel at home?


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Thanx pisces, and good joke! lol!


There have been some poeple who have a problem with it, but thats there problem and it doesnt effect or bother me, I have found out who my true freinds really are as well. Some friends and family I have not told......but thats only coz I dont wanna upset them or make them think less of me as I have a good relationship or friendship with them and dont want to spoil it, but one day I will tell them. Its a catch 22 type of thing at times. Made the window cleaner blush when he was doing the windows and thought I was an ACTUAL woman haha!

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Hi all!!


First of all, congrats xxleannexx! you know, I think i'm in a pretty similar situation to yours... and i would just like to take the opportunity to express my desire to go out for the first time in full feminine attire.


I know exactly whay you mean when you said that you were shaking and very nervous when you went out, i've actually done that but just outside of my flat LOL! and that was enough to get me really excited!


Anyway, since I'm new to both the forum and the city of Sheffield itself!, I don't have any friends with whom to share this side of mine. I'd love it if I could meet someone who helps me go out dressed as a woman...

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Are there any clubs or bars in Sheffield were cross dressers can go and feel safe and meet other cross dressers or transvestites?


Well, people have been asking after me and now here I am, to add my advice to this thread.


LES FEMMES, is Sheffield's regular Transgender Night, at Club Xes (195 Carlisle St.) every Friday (Except First Friday of the month, although many trannies also do go then).

Most of the trannies arrive before 11pm and normally have left by 2am, although some such as me stay longer; the club is open until 6am on Friday nights.

Numbers of Trannies (both TV and TS) are generally up and down from week to week, from as little as 5 to over a dozen; last Friday 24 Sept. there were at least a dozen there; it tends to pick up once you get into autumn. Do drop in soon, Leanne, and I will be happy to introduce you to any of the regulars there; the two people who we should thank for keeping Les Femmes going strong over the last few years are Diane and her real female partner Robyn; they tend to arrive early and leave early, but if you come early, I can introduce you to them.


Even for those who live outside Sheffield, e.g in Wakefield or Doncaster Les Femmes is really worth a visit; it is one of the very largest regular Tranny gatherings outside London. I have frequently met trannies there from as far afield as Edinburgh, Newcastle, London, and even Germany. FYI if going out dressed in Wakefield, the Rainbow gay pub is the friendliest venue in my experience, as sadly, I have had to make a complaint against the New Union following a transphobic incident from one of the people there, so avoid.:rant:


From time to time Les Femmes and the very friendly managers at Club Xes have encouraged the occasional special attraction for trannies, such as a monthly stall run by someone selling wigs, makeup, shoes, etc; although there hasnt been one now for around a year; hopefully we may be able to get this going again; other 'special' things to look out for are occasional buffets for peoples' birthdays, and even occasional Fridays with live entertainment, such as for fundraisers.


Finally, I spoke to Diane and Robyn about organising a Les Femmes Christmas Dinner, at a local restaurant in town, at around 7-10pm on a Friday near Christmas. Diane and Robyn are happy for me to look into this; does anyone know of any particular restaurant which they would recommend? All TV's, TS's and friends and partners would be welcome, and the current idea is to book a block of tables for an approximate number of people, and to order and pay as per individual/couple/group for meals & drinks on the night rather than collect any advance fees for booking. As the dinner would be on a Friday, this would allow us to go onto Club Xes straight afterwards; it would also allow those of us who are working to finish early on Friday to get ready and stay out late if desired.:love:

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  • 1 year later...

HI there

I am a cross-dresser too, in sheffield friend request me on FB I go by the name vicky mynx.

there is not too many places in sheffield anymore to go as a cross-dresser, as not sure wether club Xes has tranny night anymore. But Affinity I believe have a few tranny's go there, & although hant been there, been told made to feel welcome there, as no one flutters an eye lid in there.


There is an event called LFF(Leeds first friday) which as the name sugest is on the first friday of each month & I am planning on going in June. join my FB page ask a tranny for alsorts of hints & tips. By the way I have given lots of advice to othe tranny's on where to go & what to do.

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