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Way to go France (finally)


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"France is taking a step towards what they believe is cultural preservation by voting on legislation that would ban Muslim women from wearing burqas or any other type of facial covering."


Cultural preservation !! I personally kind of like that concept

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If a Western Woman visits a muslim country and is required to wear a Hijab or burkha she will do so without question.


If we ask the same of a muslim woman in the Western World, basically to conform to our culture, why is that all of a sudden discriminatory ???????




The old, they deny 'our' women freedom, so why shouldn't we deny 'their' women freedom, argument.

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So now in France if you wear a full face covering niqab you are fined 125 pounds. Which several very very wealthy businessmen have offered to pay, in all cases. Fantastic.


What then? If you do it again, sent to prison?


Lengthy criminal record for crimes against fashion? Brilliant.

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So now in France if you wear a full face covering niqab you are fined 125 pounds. Which several very very wealthy businessmen have offered to pay, in all cases. Fantastic.


What then? If you do it again, sent to prison?


Lengthy criminal record for crimes against fashion? Brilliant.


Can't wait to hear what you have to say in a few years time when the Muslims demand all women in England wear a Burkha :)

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Which surely brings the question how does some people wearing burquas do anything one way or the other to frances cultural preservation?


Just a shame that the cultural preservation doesn't revolve around Liberté, égalité, fraternité


Well they are French

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I think regardless of whether this gets over turned at least they can hold their heads up high and say they they at least stood up and did what was right.


Well done France ! for as long as it lasts, maybe others in Europe will grow the Gonads to ban this useless garment.


I have said my piece and don't care to be dragged onto argument about my views, I have posted enough on this subject on this forum. I just wanted to congratulate them.


Once again Well Done !

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If a Western Woman visits a muslim country and is required to wear a Hijab or burkha she will do so without question.


If we ask the same of a muslim woman in the Western World, basically to conform to our culture, why is that all of a sudden discriminatory ???????


I don't like the Burkha of what it stands for in terms of oppression of women, but two wrongs certainly don't make right. There is no point in entering into a 'tit for tat' game.


Once you go down the route of banning items of clothing where do you stop? Do you ban hoodies? Or what about Nuns wearing their hood?

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So now in France if you wear a full face covering niqab you are fined 125 pounds. Which several very very wealthy businessmen have offered to pay, in all cases. Fantastic.


What then? If you do it again, sent to prison?


Lengthy criminal record for crimes against fashion? Brilliant.


Can we bring back the death penalty for Uggs and muffin tops!?


Can't wait to hear what you have to say in a few years time when the Muslims demand all women in England wear a Burkha :)


Mmmmm yes. Because that's really gonna happen :rolleyes:

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