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Way to go France (finally)


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If a Western Woman visits a muslim country and is required to wear a Hijab or burkha she will do so without question.


If we ask the same of a muslim woman in the Western World, basically to conform to our culture, why is that all of a sudden discriminatory ???????


That really is such a facile argument and should never, ever be used as a justification for legislature. Would you rather go down the route of some of the Islamic states? I'm guessing that you would rather not; pluralism and liberty are rights which must be defended and not eroded.

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I think regardless of whether this gets over turned at least they can hold their heads up high and say they they at least stood up and did what was right.


Well done France ! for as long as it lasts, maybe others in Europe will grow the Gonads to ban this useless garment.


I have said my piece and don't care to be dragged onto argument about my views, I have posted enough on this subject on this forum. I just wanted to congratulate them.


Once again Well Done !



Thank you, thank you hard2miss. Finally someone get's my point :thumbsup:

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If it were to cover their face, it would be banned under this legislation.


As is, for example, being disfigured and wearing something on your face to disguise it.


It just seems to me that Islam seems to be under attack in Europe. This ban, even if it is to stop anyone covering their face, seems to me to be aimed predominately at Muslim women. Then we have Minarets, a style of architecture outlawed in Switzerland.


We're in danger of demonising a whole race of people for the actions of a few extremists.

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It just seems to me that Islam seems to be under attack in Europe.


Whenever a new religion appears it's attacked, like Christianity was when we were all pagans, eventually the new religion forces itself on everyone (by whatever methods) and the old religion is destroyed. After some time (perhaps as much as 2 thousand years) everyone starts to notice that despite everyone following the new religion life doesn't seem to have improved, it's still mostly crap for most people, the dissgrunteled followers then invent another new religion and calim to have all the answers, they get attacked....and on....and on....and on

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This thread has drifted, understandably so, from the intended topic which was that France finally showed some Huevos and made a stand.


Kind of like John Howard did when he made his speech of Muslims welcome, but adopt to our way's or get out.

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This thread has drifted, understandably so, from the intended topic which was that France finally showed some Huevos and made a stand.


Kind of like John Howard did when he made his speech of Muslims welcome, but adopt to our way's or get out.


The French haven't made any kind of a stand, at all.


All they've done is removed freedom of choice from the women who wear Burqa/ niqaab by choice, and forced the few women who are subjugated into wearing the Burqa or Niqaab, to exchange one kind of despotism for another.

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I don't like the Burkha of what it stands for in terms of oppression of women, but two wrongs certainly don't make right. There is no point in entering into a 'tit for tat' game.


Once you go down the route of banning items of clothing where do you stop? Do you ban hoodies? Or what about Nuns wearing their hood?



The nuns will be fine wearing their habits:- they aren't "dirty Muzzies", which is basically, and primarily who this bigoted and highly skewed legislation is aimed at.


The ruling about "No ostentatious show of religion", apparently, doesn't extend to massive crosses and wimples, or priestly vestments. It's only going to affect the ordinary, veil-wearing Muslim woman in the street, and punish her.


I'm sorely tempted to exchange my Hijaab (scarf) for a full bloomin' burqa or niqaab, out of sheer contrariness and to show solidarity with these women.

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The French haven't made any kind of a stand, at all.


All they've done is removed freedom of choice from the women who wear Burqa/ niqaab by choice, and forced the few women who are subjugated into wearing the Burqa or Niqaab, to exchange one kind of despotism for another.


Sorry but I think they have made a stand. They have made a declaration, to the world, that they intend to preserve the French culture.


Unlike our bleeding heart liberals, at both sides of the pond, who are more interested in preserving other peoples feelings than their own culture.

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Which surely brings the question how does some people wearing burquas do anything one way or the other to frances cultural preservation?

Just a shame that the cultural preservation doesn't revolve around Liberté, égalité, fraternité


I was just thinking the same thing. I just don't understand what right they have in banning an item of clothing a women chooses to wear? This is just another step of control from them. It begs the Q) what will they want to ban next? Women from wearing trousers?:roll:

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