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Pregnant nun ice cream advert banned for 'mockery'

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Life of Brian was banned wasn't it? But it was film of pure satire, it wasn't an advert for Orange mobile phones that preceded the main feature. People had the choice whether they wished to see, whereas they have little choice whether to see billboard advertising and this advertiser has said they intend to run the campaign in time for the Pope's visit.


It might have been right that Life of Brian was banned, it might have been wrong, but the debate that ensued was comprehensive and brought the issue of religious intolerance and censorship into the mainstream consciousness..'society' has now deemed it acceptable, although Im sure there'll be many who still object to it.


As I've said several times, I'm not suggesting a ban is right, I'm trying to raise the debate into one where we question the motivation of people who seek to offend or through a disregard for peoples sensitivities they're likely to do so. Of course at the end of the day I still maintain that we should have the right to say what we like, but I reserve my right to ask you why.


But if that was the case we'd be in such a litigious and precious society that no-one could say anything about anyone ever. Some people take offence much easily than others, some people take offence but brush it off with a shrug, some people are thick skinned and confident enough never to feel offended.


Religions and a lot of religious people are just so bizarre and wacko that they can't help but to be made fun of. Westboro Baptists, the loon who wanted to burn the Koran for example. They are ludicrous and silly. I wouldn't find anything offensive about mocking them. His followers might do but that shouldn't prevent others from having a laugh at their expense.


We take the pee out of flat earthers, the BNP and people who wear tin foil on their heads so why shouldn't we take the pee out of people who believe in virgin births, angels and transubstantiation?


I've no idea who complained about this particular advert. I thought humourlessness was more a Protestant trait so I suspect someone from the ad agency did it themselves. They should get a pay rise.

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Life of Brian was banned wasn't it? But it was film of pure satire, it wasn't an advert for Orange mobile phones that preceded the main feature. People had the choice whether they wished to see, whereas they have little choice whether to see billboard advertising and this advertiser has said they intend to run the campaign in time for the Pope's visit.


It might have been right that Life of Brian was banned, it might have been wrong, but the debate that ensued was comprehensive and brought the issue of religious intolerance and censorship into the mainstream consciousness..'society' has now deemed it acceptable, although Im sure there'll be many who still object to it.


As I've said several times, I'm not suggesting a ban is right, I'm trying to raise the debate into one where we question the motivation of people who seek to offend or through a disregard for peoples sensitivities they're likely to do so. Of course at the end of the day I still maintain that we should have the right to say what we like, but I reserve my right to ask you why.


I see your logic, however, some of the tenets, beliefs and practices associated with religions are so utterly absurd and ludicrous that they deserve to be mocked and ridiculed. The Catholic Church has a totally outdated, repressive and unhealthy attitude towards sex, even within the sanctity of marriage, yet behind closed doors a significant number of its clergy is not practising what it preaches, whether it's clandestine liaisons, both gay and straight or child sex abuse. Religion does not deserve nor warrant 'special treatment'.

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Life of Brian was banned wasn't it? But it was film of pure satire, it wasn't an advert for Orange mobile phones that preceded the main feature. People had the choice whether they wished to see, whereas they have little choice whether to see billboard advertising and this advertiser has said they intend to run the campaign in time for the Pope's visit.

Life of Brian might have been a film of pure satire, but it was a film of pure commercial satire. Bums on seats and all that.


The “Ice cream is our religion” campaign started, and a poster was banned, before his Popiness had even announced his come-back tour.


I do buy your 'choice' argument to a certain extent, but of course the professional offenders are not concerned about their choice, they want to stop my choice and yours.


Incidentally, Life Of Brian was banned in Sussex where I boarded at the time. Our Chaplain arranged for a copy to be shown at our school, and opened it up for paying punters, of which there were many. It caused quite a stir in the local news, and annoyed some silly councillors immensely. He really was a very naughty boy. :)

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Why don't the god botherers on this thread


[a] Turn the other cheek

Forgive the "sinners" as is requested in the New Testament.


But of course they won't. :rolleyes:


"But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if any one would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well; and if any one forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles." (Matthew 5.38-41)


Any volunteers?

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The Catholic church may well have more important things to worry about, but what about Catholics? Don't you believe their sensitivities should be taken into account?


Do you think people shouldn`t be allowed to ridicule religion ?


Personally ,as an athiest i dont see a problem with laughing at ALL religion.


All aspects of life are open to ridicule ,why should religion be any different ?

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Personally I think it should have been a priest offering a boy an ice cream. The papal visit may have been cancelled, saved a few quid...and sent a load of abused kids off on a once in a lifetime holiday. Better that than a White Reliant Robin conversion roaming around the streets.

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Ok, where did my post go? The one that I spent 45 mins typing up?


I thought it was my best comment on the subject. Clearly my time is wasted. Goodbye everyone.



I can't imagine why a post of yours would be removed, you're one of the sanest and most reasonable posters on here. So much so, I'd even wager here and now that without even reading it, I bet I agreed with every word. Don't go. :(

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Do you think people shouldn`t be allowed to ridicule religion ?
Please don't confuse my interest in this thread with a particular affection for religion, I've often ridiculed religion but am trying to stimulate a debate about 'offence' here.


This advert, the Koran burner, the American flag burners, even the jokes about George Michael got me thinking-it's the gratuitous nature of causing offence and the motivation behind it and not necessarily just about religion, there are other subjects where people feel they can offend others for no good reason-race, sexuality, sexism, etc.


The 'offenders' soon become touchy when the boot is on the other foot since there will always be something that we as individuals will find offensive, so why do we do it when we all have an appreciation of the harm it causes?


Personally, as an athiest i dont see a problem with laughing at ALL religion.


That's part of my point! I'm an atheist too, but membership of that group doesn't mean it's my duty to ridicule or gratuitously cause offence to those who believe in something-frankly it's too easy and highlights the wider debate which is one where we generally are able to offend the followers of a particular lifestyle just because we have no emotional investment in it.

All aspects of life are open to ridicule ,why should religion be any different ?

Again that's part of the reason for starting the thread, religion is just one of the things that's regularly derided.
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