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Cash for crash scams

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Making people crash into them is so old hat now, the latest scam now is to get a person willing to be the faulty party and setting up a crash, that way everyone gets their stories together and less risk of other party crying foul.

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The scammers are always of thinking of new ways. The best bet is to report anything suspicious and the insurance company can investigate further. Taking pictures on your mobile of the damage to both cars and a picture of the driver is also very useful.

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Maybe if people kept a bigger distance from the car in front there wouldn't be so much of a problem.


A few points:


1. The 'Two second rule'


The vehicle ahead of you passes a lamp post, drain cover, dead cat or whatever. You say to yourself: "Only a fool breaks the two-second rule." If you pass the marker before you've finished saying it, you're dangerously close to the vehicle in front of you.


And that's on a dry summer day with good visibility, no crap on the road - perfect conditions.


(It works at all speeds.)


The irony of what you say there is that if the car in front does suddenly stop, and you crash into its read end, it is your fault for not paying attention and/or going at a speed in which you didn't have time to stop. Either way, it is you at fault, whatever the car in front is attempting to do...


Quite so.


There is a 'miracle method' which will not only protect you from 'cash or crash' drivers, protect you from plonkers who shouldn't be on the road anyway, but will also (usually) ensure that traffic lights turn green as you approach.


The latter is quite important to me. I ride a big bike and I hate stopping. I rode all the way through Partenkirchen this morning (in the rush hour) and every traffic light turned green as I approached.


Hardly unusual.


- Worth joining that club ;)


I could write a bloody book on this subject. :)


Maybe I should. Might sell well! Could retire early then.


Suffice it to say, there is a very, very significant problem with such accidents in Bradford and Leeds (more Bradford), Blackburn (massive numbers up there), Leicester is seeing more, and London a fair few too. Sheffield is way down the list.


Yes it happens, it happens quite often, although not generally as the OP describes. That's the tiniest tip of a very large iceberg. Rarely does it involve people not linked to the idea in the first place.


BUT, and it's quite an important but, the Insurance Fraud Bureau are more than aware who the main culprits are, and they are being detected all the time, very effectively. Defendant solicitors can pick out these claims very quickly, and around 80% are now rejected outright.



It's about time that the courts started to look closely at Insurance fraud - but I suppose it's yet another case of too little money chasing too many cases. The government (who, after all, are responsible) could've stopped insurance fraud in its tracks many years ago - but they couldn't be bothered to do so.


there's another variation on this where the car in front set's off, you follow it, it slams the anchors on, you do the same and stop in time and the car behind you rams you while the one in front disappears into the distance leaving you looking like you caused an accident by stopping for no reason


Neither I, nor you, nor anybody else needs a reason to stop.


If you hit the vehicle in front of you on a public highway, it's your fault. It's up to you to drive in a defensive manner. If the driver in front of you 'sets you up'- and if you can prove it - sue him.


Ultimately however, you are responsible for the way in which your vehicle is operated and you are liable in the event of any claim or prosecution.

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Making people crash into them is so old hat now, the latest scam now is to get a person willing to be the faulty party and setting up a crash, that way everyone gets their stories together and less risk of other party crying foul.
is this coming from someone who has witnessed this happening for real ,or as like most of your posts made up
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I don't know how they got away with it for so long and not get caught, and that's why insurance is going up.


They get away with it because there is an endless supply of stupid drivers on the road. Read Rupert's post above and take heed. Then it won't happen to you.

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is this coming from someone who has witnessed this happening for real ,or as like most of your posts made up


You don't half talk some ****, i actually know people that have done this and am friends with a couple of claims company owners so know how it works.

Engage your brain before you type, why am i gonna make this **** up?

Why are my posts made up, come on back up your claims, my post history is there for you and anyone to view.

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You don't half talk some ****, i actually know people that have done this and am friends with a couple of claims company owners so know how it works.

Engage your brain before you type, why am i gonna make this **** up?

Why are my posts made up, come on back up your claims, my post history is there for you and anyone to view.

do you really know these claims company owners are working this scam then ?regarding me backing up your claims i cant do that (its you who made them not me :hihi:)what i can do is pull you up on claims what you cant verify which i have done .i suggest you engage your brain before you post allegations you cannot prove simples
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