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Cash for crash scams

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I can't see how that can work, since the car behind you will end up paying for your repairs.
At a guess, because the guy rear-ending you makes you out to be the scammer (braking for no reason).

1. The 'Two second rule'


(It works at all speeds.)

It doesn't (work at all speeds). Careful there, RB ;)


EDIT - But it is a useful rule of thumb, and would make for a lot less stress driving on M'ways if everybody used it.


Here's one taught to me, in relation to km/h:

  • Stopping distance: multiply tens by itself (50km/h = 5x5 = 25 m; 90km/h = 9x9 = 81 m)

Accessorily, for trivia, here's the other two:

  • Reaction distance: multiply tens by 3 (50km/h = 5x3 = 15 m; 90km/h = 9x3 = 27 m)
  • Braking distance: substract Reaction from Stopping (50km/h = 25-15 = 10 m; 90km/h = 81-27 = 54 m)

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  • 8 months later...
I saw footage of one of these on a dual carriageway and they swerved from the right lane to the left then slammed on the breaks. Nobody could have avoided that. I'm not saying that it happens like that all the time but they do things that even the best driver couldn't avoid.


A beat up old VW Golf tried doing that to me the other day on Prince of Wales Road. I was driving safely & did avoid it. All 5 occupants of the car were white.


You have to rear end them for the whiplash claim to be successful, if they just drive straight into you, then it's clearly their fault & it's only rear end collisions that have a real risk of whiplash.

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You don't half talk some ****, i actually know people that have done this and am friends with a couple of claims company owners so know how it works.

Engage your brain before you type, why am i gonna make this **** up?

Why are my posts made up, come on back up your claims, my post history is there for you and anyone to view.

what was the police responce when you told them what you know about these claims companies ?
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  • 3 months later...

There was a report on the news either last night or the night before and it stated that the highest number of these scams were in the Bradford & Keighly areas.


Which is funny because a month prior to that on the same news programme they were reporting about how high insurance premiums were affecting the local economy in Bradford.

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there's another variation on this where the car in front set's off, you follow it, it slams the anchors on, you do the same and stop in time and the car behind you rams you while the one in front disappears into the distance leaving you looking like you caused an accident by stopping for no reason


If you rear end another car your automatically in the wrong.

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