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Why am i still here ?


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I see, well there are los of other ways to get the ball rolling in the right direction.


Get a pen and paper and write down in big red letters ALL the things you hate about yourself. Do it in list format, abit like this....


1. I hate the way my hair falls when its just been washed.

2. I hate it that i am a crap person.

etc etc,

go into as much detail as possible and be really hard on yourself, once you have finished get a black pen and write why you dont like it,eg


1. I hate the way my hair falls when its just been washed because its too long and gets in my eyes.


2. I hate it that i am a crap person because i get nothing right and no one likes me. etc etc


Then when you have done all this, take a blue pen and write down little things you can change to make things a little easier...


1. Have a fringe cut into my hair.

2. Do something everyday that i KNOW i can do, (this can be anything from making a cup of tea to writing an essay lol)


Repeat the exercise with things that are positive about yourself. if you cannnot think of any yourself then ask your kids to tell you one thing they like about you.


I can start it if you like by saying i like your courage :)

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Only you can help yourself ... you need at look at the suggestions people have given you and do a little at a time. You're not going to feel better overnight but you have to stop saying "I can't" and "I'm not able to" all the time - tiny steps .. tiny steps. You'll get there.

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your here because obviously you DONT WANT to do anything stupid, good luck


My bold - it's important not to use language like that as it can make someone who's feeling suicidal feel even more worthless.


@Vamp - has something specific triggered off these feelings? If you can try and taken small steps and each day at a time, set yourself very small goals, you may find that you start to feel a bit more positive. It might be a good idea to try and look at the reasons why you feel the way that you do and if there is anything that you can do to change them; try and focus on the things that you can change. Talking everything through helps most people. Good luck, remember that you're not alone and that there are people who can help.

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I know how you feel Vamp i've been a bit of a manic depressive for a long time and have considered suicide on a number of occasions it is only my feeling of duty to my family that keeps me hanging on, i've been known to self harm and put myself in dangerous situations just because i don't care much for whether i live or die.

The only times i truly feel alive is when the adrenalin is turned up high or if i achieve something which was why i started running, the achievements are small but they keep me going.

Spending too much time on your own is a bad thing it keeps you inside your own head which in a depressed state is a very bad thing, you should get out join a club and meet people old friends new friends as long as your not on your own i find that helps.

I don't know how you counter low self esteem except to give your self those senses of achievement that i mentioned earlier, maybe athletics isn't for you but there is something out there for you maybe a new career direction can give you some fulfilment.


Thank you for your advise .

I decided this week i had to do something for me that i have been going to do for a long time now which is to get the figure i have always wanted .


I have joined the local gym so i have something to do 3 times a week for an hour or so .I have a unltimate goal in mind i know that will take a whille to acheive so i am just setting myself little goals to get started .


I realy enjoyed myself there this week and it felt like it blew afew cobwebs away !!!!

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