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Turning off the street lights

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Local councils looking to cut costs,are considering turning off your street lighting,its already been trialed in essex,how would you feel walking home on winter evenings in total darkness?

Theres a possibility some may turn them down by 50% or more,others may turn them off completley,as in essex.

solar power is one alternative,but its extremley expensive.

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"On the 1st September 1939, two days before the outbreak of war, Britain was blacked out. The Blackout imposed on all civilians in all cities was absolute. Britain was plunged into complete darkness"


lmao, it will be like WW2! i think it will only take one or two injuries (walking off kerb/into lamp-posts) for people to start sueing the council.


it's not just people coming home from a night out that us our streets during the night!:hihi:

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the essex trial is between 12 and 5, i personnally think it would be better going off at 2 and then not coming back on again except for in the winter months where you need a bit of light in the morning.


i also feel that shops should be forced to turn there lights off aswell, as town is still lit up like a christmas tree at night. although that is a saving the planet issue and not a money saving one (for the council anyway).

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