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If the Pope was assassinated whilst on his visit

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I think the world would keep on turning.


If he is killed, it must be God's will. What God wants, God gets. God help us all.


It would be an example of god "being mysterious" (along with all the other bad things that happen - floods, earthquakes etc). As one of my favourite comics points out, there's nothing mysterious about acting like a <REMOVED>. It's the least mysterious thing on earth.

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It would be a terrible waste of a human life.


It's not our place to judge such things. Only God can be the judge. If the Pope is killed we can assume God wanted it to happen, since he knows everything and has the power to intervene in the world.


Who then are you to say it would be anything other than God's perfect will?

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It's not our place to judge such things. Only God can be the judge. If the Pope is killed we can assume God wanted it to happen, since he knows everything and has the power to intervene in the world.


Who then are you to say it would be anything other than God's perfect will?


I think we can judge for our selves. I my opinion it would be tragic, just as i think it would be tragic for anybody shot dead for no reason. If it happened to Osama Bin Laden on the other hand, I'd think he had it coming, but that's my judgement. Others can make their own mind up.

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I think we can judge for our selves. I my opinion it would be tragic, just as i think it would be tragic for anybody shot dead for no reason. If it happened to Osama Bin Laden on the other hand, I'd think he had it coming, but that's my judgement. Others can make their own mind up.


Nothing happens without reason, and God knows everything


"Not one sparrow … can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't worry! You are more valuable to him than many sparrows" Matthew 10:29-31


It's not for us to judge. Things happen, or do not happen. Either way it is God's will, and we cannot question it.

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