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If the Pope was assassinated whilst on his visit

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Not all things are set out by God in the way you seem to think - There is such a thing as the concept of free will, and that the murderer would be using their capacity for free will, but this may not exactly be Gods will... It wasn't Gods will when Tnomas More was murdered in the name of the protestant church, it was a gang of thugs will who commited the act on the churches behalf - not to mention the numerous other acts of evil carried out by humans - we are not perfect, we are flesh and we often act against the ideas of christianity...


So is free will a concept, or reality?


The idea of 'free will' is not compatible with the idea of an all-knowing, all-powerful God who is the embodiment of 'love' - a perfectly loving God would not allow his 'children' to suffer given he knows in advance that they will, and also has the power to stop it.


The logical way around this contradiction is to conclude that God either does not exist at all, or he is not able to intervene (in which case he hardly qualifies as 'God') or he is not loving.


I'm hoping you're not going to try and find another way around it which involves explaining why an all loving 'father' God might want some of his 'children' to have utterly wretched lives whilst some of them (often the more obnoxious ones) live lives of unbridled privilege because we both know it'll sound hollow, unconvincing an a little ridiculous.

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So is free will a concept, or reality?


The idea of 'free will' is not compatible with the idea of an all-knowing, all-powerful God who is the embodiment of 'love' - a perfectly loving God would not allow his 'children' to suffer given he knows in advance that they will, and also has the power to stop it.


The logical way around this contradiction is to conclude that God either does not exist at all, or he is not able to intervene (in which case he hardly qualifies as 'God') or he is not loving.


I'm hoping you're not going to try and find another way around it which involves explaining why an all loving 'father' God might want some of his 'children' to have utterly wretched lives whilst some of them (often the more obnoxious ones) live lives of unbridled privilege because we both know it'll sound hollow, unconvincing an a little ridiculous.


God has to allow us the option to sin by having given us his son Jesus to kill. To be able to sin we need people to sin against. If we did not sin there whould have been no point in god impregnating Mary so that she could give birth to him as his son to attone for the sins of humankind (past and future). Because of Jesus I can sin and find redemption for even the most horrible things. Despite my sins, I know I will have eternal life in Heaven because Jesus says so in the bible ( Poe evoked).

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I think we can judge for our selves. I my opinion it would be tragic, just as i think it would be tragic for anybody shot dead for no reason. If it happened to Osama Bin Laden on the other hand, I'd think he had it coming, but that's my judgement. Others can make their own mind up.


I'm not riding this current wave of Pope bashing, I'm not that interested, but I'm pretty sure the Pope has a lot more deaths to his name than Osama.

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I'm not riding this current wave of Pope bashing, I'm not that interested, but I'm pretty sure the Pope has a lot more deaths to his name than Osama.


Perhaps not the pope personally, but the church he is the head of is responsible for far more deaths than all the Islamic terrorists combined. Literally millions of people have died and millions more have been orphaned because of the Catholic church banning condoms, and worse, lying about them and saying that they spread aids.

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