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Soham trial

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I don't see any reason that the trial wouldn't be completed. There is a huge amount of information that the press hasn't revealed about this case, a lot of it pretty gruesome and shocking. Ever since the bodies were found and Huntley was arrested the media have been very restrained in terms of what they have reported (not that haven't been working slavishly in the background on documentaries for when the trial concludes).

You also have to remember that the reason for the saturation coverage last year wasn't just because it was a slow news month, the police were deliberately using the media to try and find the girls.

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I've read that Huntley and Carr have changed their names at some point. I'd be interested to know why. It's not the sort of thing that most of us get around to doing, is it?


Also, Huntley's past record (if he has one) will be only be revealed if he is found guilty.

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What do people think about this?


Sky News have a service where you can sign up to get "Text Alerts" of the latest news from the trial.


Two questions - why? and is it acceptable for them to make money out of this?

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Yeah, they've only just started wheeling out the forensic evidence, and he's already pretty much admitted they died in his house anyway.


Are there any other grounds apart from insanity that means he won't get a murder charge? I can't see self defence being a likely angle, and short of the girls somehow killing each other or committing suicide, which let's face it, isn't very probable, I'm not sure what other defence he can put up.


Was it really necessary to release the photos of the remains of their clothes to the press?

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Huntley has accused the former caretaker of murdering the two girls and he who had his job, was sacked because of an inapprpriate relationship with a thirteen year old girl at the school.


Could it just be possible that the girls were alive when they left Huntleys house and the former caretaker met them and killed them?

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