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Soham trial

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Originally posted by Mike

Exactly - his chances of surviving a full life term are slim I'd have thought - prison isn't really known as being kind on child killers, especially now all his previous allegations for rape and child-abuse are in the clear.


So, TV or no TV, I doubt his life inside will be a cushy one.

Why will his chances be slim? Myra Hinley and Ian Brady seemed to cope OK!


And they were equally as dispicable... if not more!

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Presumably Brady and Hindley were never in contact with other prisoners?


I'm thinking of the case from a few years back where a particularly nasty paedophile (can't remember his name) was killed by fellow prisoners.

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I would imagine he'll be in isolation for sometime. Then again, he's been 'inside' for a while so has adapted to life in there. The inmates will have no doubt met him and offered their opinions already. I wonder if he'll go back to the same prison where he has been already. He may 'fit in ' there better if the others are used to him.


If he goes elsewhere I suppose they'll keep him apart for a while and then introduce him to the rest - child killers are usually put in wings and prisons together.


I hope they stick him in a trench, cut his clothes off him and pour petrol over him and wave goodbye........but we are too humane in this country to do that.

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Maxine Carr could be released in 30 days on the electronic tagging curfew scheme as she's been well behaved.


Was she sucked in by Huntley and a victim of his charismatic evil streak or is she as bad as him? Does she deserve to be out so soon?


Personally I think not, she should be kept in for a while longer. It just prolonged the suffering of the parents and friends while they tried to find Huntley. She's been sentenced and should stay inside for a lot longer than another 30 days. The public would go crazy!

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Well, so long as he's off the streets - that's the main thing. I would argue that a life sentence is a far greater punishment than any form of death penalty, but that's just my opinion.


Hopefully the inquiry that is being launched as a result of this case will bring about an improvement in the vetting procedures for those who are allowed to work alongside children.

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Originally posted by Geoff

What I find bad is the way the BBC (and others) feel the need to go in to specific details. For example, last night they were talking about the girl's clothes and they said that one of the girls had "Princess" written on her knickers... this seems uncalled for and surely they only included it to make people feel worse about what is already a horrific crime.

Originally posted by venger

points out the fact that they had been stripped naked at some point.

Err... no it doesn't!


The knickers may have been found off the body, on the body, in his car, wherever... what the knickers looked like or said is not vital information for the general public.


The fact the BBC made a point of telling people they said "Princess" was included purely to pull a few heart strings and make people think how horrific the whole thing is. Personally I find this type of thing unnecessary as it doesn't exactly add anything of value to the report.

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So he has been given a life sentence. How long do we reckon that will be then? 5 years, 10, 25 or for the rest of his life?

How long do you think it should be?


And should he be in a prison with a nice cell with a tv and playstation, and in a prison with a fully equiped library with internet and computer access, fully equiped gym and pool table to play with his new mates. Be able to have better meals than they provide for our school kids, and free education. Be paid for any jobs he does and be able to have family bring him whatever he requires. The only thing they don't get now is to walk away at the end of the day, but then again they will let him out for Xmas and weddings and funerals.


Sorry but in my opinion you go to prison to be punished and realise what you did was wrong. The only thing he should come out for is his own funeral, and the sooner the better.


Has anyone seen what Rampton looks like lately? Not like a prison.

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Originally posted by fuzzy purple


Has anyone seen what Rampton looks like lately? Not like a prison.


AFAIK Rampton isn't a prison, it's a hospital so I guess that's hardly surprising :)


What is the desired purpose of prison? Retribution, Rehabilitation, Punishment or Excommunication?

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Originally posted by Mike

Yeah yeah, I'm sure prison is a right laff :rolleyes:


Maybe not, but staying in what is basically a downmarket hotel that you're not allowed to leave is not sufficient punishment for a child murderer, and probably all of the other things he has been accused of. Prison should be like hell for the inmates - Huntley deserves to really suffer, for the rest of his life. Where life = life. Not a quarter of it.

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