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Molly Norris goes into hiding.

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Yes, I noticed that. It's a fairly major contradiction - and if Icon76 thinks we should just kill people whose views and activities we don't like, doesn't that put him on a par with radical Islamist fun lovers like the dear old Taliban?


But what do you think about the death sentence al-Awlaki's has placed on an innocent women?

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I would like to see support from mainstream muslims for people such as Molly. Perhaps this is already happening and I am not aware of it. Perhaps I need to write to a few Imams and ask what they think about the whole thing. I feel I need to do something.


Be sure to let us know what their replies are :)

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I'm confused. You object to the activity of the likes of al-Awlaki because they put people on hit lists in order to have them killed ... and you think we should put him on a hitlist in order to have him killed? The two statements flatly contradict each other.


Pacifist nonesense.


Perhaps we need a few martyrs for freedom of expression before doing anything.

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I would like to see support from mainstream muslims for people such as Molly. Perhaps this is already happening and I am not aware of it. Perhaps I need to write to a few Imams and ask what they think about the whole thing. I feel I need to do something.


There is an interesting thread here I have just glanced through started by a muslim cartoonist.


He gets the sort of responses you would expect and indeed of the sort we have already received on this thread...




I think the interesting question to ask is who are her supporters and what form of support is appropriate? certainly since she distanced herself from the draw Mohammed day and the consequences of those actions, the people vociferously claiming to be her supporters are people she has herself intentionally distanced herself from and the very same people who as a result of their actions have resulted in her needing to go in to hiding.


Hate breeds hate, she knows that we know that...


The problem for her is she has been used by hatemongers to justify the sort images that wouldn't have been out of place in Der Sturmer in the 30s as freedom of speech.... when what they are is racist images intended to cause offence.


There is no excusing the reaction either, but it was entirely predictable because Al Qaeda and other muslim extremists have and do use these stories for recruitment. Just as the far right and those that want to create a clash of civilisations perpetuate this issue and demand the right to draw images we would all be looking at in disgust if they were made of Jews.


The fundamental problem of Muslim extremism is not going to be dealt with effectively by engaging in the 30s style stereotyping and caricatures that Al Qaeda and the like use to recruit. That is playing in to their hands and assists them.


If we are really concerned about muslim extremism we will recognise the extremism in our own culture, condemn it and instead deal with people with respect, lead by example.

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Pacifist nonesense.


Perhaps we need a few martyrs for freedom of expression before doing anything.


Do you want to step forward to take on that role?


It seems a bit cruel and thoughtless though to be volunteering someone for that role like extremists have done for Molly Norris.


Someone who is now having to be in hiding because of the thoughtless ignorance of those she dissassociated herself from demanding their right to make racist and insulting cartoons.

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There is an interesting thread here I have just glanced through started by a muslim cartoonist.


He gets the sort of responses you would expect and indeed of the sort we have already received on this thread...




I think the interesting question to ask is who are her supporters and what form of support is appropriate? certainly since she distanced herself from the draw Mohammed day and the consequences of those actions, the people vociferously claiming to be her supporters are people she has herself intentionally distanced herself from and the very same people who as a result of their actions have resulted in her needing to go in to hiding.


Hate breeds hate, she knows that we know that...


The problem for her is she has been used by hatemongers to justify the sort images that wouldn't have been out of place in Der Sturmer in the 30s as freedom of speech.... when what they are is racist images intended to cause offence.


There is no excusing the reaction either, but it was entirely predictable because Al Qaeda and other muslim extremists have and do use these stories for recruitment. Just as the far right and those that want to create a clash of civilisations perpetuate this issue and demand the right to draw images we would all be looking at in disgust if they were made of Jews.


The fundamental problem of Muslim extremism is not going to be dealt with effectively by engaging in the 30s style stereotyping and caricatures that Al Qaeda and the like use to recruit. That is playing in to their hands and assists them.


If we are really concerned about muslim extremism we will recognise the extremism in our own culture, condemn it and instead deal with people with respect, lead by example.


Why should free peoples self flagellate when they have nothing to be sorry for? Lets look where it started. An episode of Southpark, which featured Mohammed dressed in a bear costume (reference to the teacher that was imprisioned for naming a teddy bear Mohammed in Africa), but which also regularly features another character, Jesus, and has done for some time. The Jesus character is about as satirical as it gets. But there are no death threats issued by the Vatican or our Queen. They only come from the Muslims (please though do not construe that as a critiscism of all Muslims as so often happens).


The problem lies with the Muslim extremists/fundamentalists. The sooner we all realise this and stop the self pitying apologetics, the better. We should not sacrafice our values for the satisfaction of those that wish to dictate what we should or should not say, write, or indeed draw.

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