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If you had cancer..

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My Dads got lung cancer, and got told he didnt have long, that chemo would just prolong his life, he opted for chemo and 16 months later he is still here, although he is now recieving treatment again, he suffered very little side effects, but like people on here say some of the side effects can be horrendous, its everyones own choice, dont think its a question that can really be answered until it happened to you

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well on a serious note if i got told i had 6 months to live then boi i be on news... cos be warned every human being done wrong to me then theyd be getting a visit n punish with a horrible painful torturious death.. and then theres the question of them idiot terrorist that our government allow to walk the streets then i'd see it as my duty to rid uk of em before i go.. also theres the money front i'd have to rob n steal n hold up as many businesses i could to make sure my family n kids have sum serious money to make em comfortable with me gone... then theres the women? all these fit birds we see n want yet ant got prayer of getting then i cud have me ha ha i cud take em by force as how u gunna punish a man thats dying anyway? ..... see why its a bad idea to tell ppl they only have 6months left to live ha ha .

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well on a serious note if i got told i had 6 months to live then boi i be on news... cos be warned every human being done wrong to me then theyd be getting a visit n punish with a horrible painful torturious death.. and then theres the question of them idiot terrorist that our government allow to walk the streets then i'd see it as my duty to rid uk of em before i go.. also theres the money front i'd have to rob n steal n hold up as many businesses i could to make sure my family n kids have sum serious money to make em comfortable with me gone... then theres the women? all these fit birds we see n want yet ant got prayer of getting then i cud have me ha ha i cud take em by force as how u gunna punish a man thats dying anyway? ..... see why its a bad idea to tell ppl they only have 6months left to live ha ha .



What a weirdo!

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and were told you only had 6 months to live and that chemo or radiation would only give you say....3 extra months but you'd be sick all the time from the treatment, would you take your 6 months or try for the extra 3? What if they caught the cancer earlier and you had a 50/50 chance of beating it but the treatment would severely affect your quality of life with no guarantee that you would beat it, would you do it or let nature take its course?


Just curious.


I would def take the treatment - if there is a chance no matter how small, you have to take it... Yes cancer treatment takes it out of you, but it's not as bad as being dead if you don't have to be...

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and were told you only had 6 months to live and that chemo or radiation would only give you say....3 extra months but you'd be sick all the time from the treatment, would you take your 6 months or try for the extra 3? What if they caught the cancer earlier and you had a 50/50 chance of beating it but the treatment would severely affect your quality of life with no guarantee that you would beat it, would you do it or let nature take its course?


Just curious.


I think I would try if they let me & see how my body reacts towards the treatment. I guess no ones knows unless you give it ago but saying that there are many people who do not want to put themselves through the treatment which is understandable.

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I would def take the treatment - if there is a chance no matter how small, you have to take it... Yes cancer treatment takes it out of you, but it's not as bad as being dead if you don't have to be...


This is the attitude I was talking about.....I simply cannot accept this thinking. Its down to the individual and what they want their life to be about. Several posters mentioned pressure from others in the family as being the reason that someone went forward with treatment to the later regret of those that watched them suffer. Why do we feel that we have to fight to stay alive, even if it is for only a short time and quality of life takes a back seat? I would much rather live while I am alive than basically exist in such pain and sickness that I wished I were dead.

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Prolonging the inevitable is sometimes born out of selfishness, most of the times from the loved ones of the sufferer. Though this is understandable when faced with such a big loss.


You have to consider that chemotherapy will often help with cancer that has metastasised to the brain, reducing symptoms such as dizziness, confusion and speech arrest.


Chemo doesn't necessarily = more suffering, it all depends on the individual and their circumstances. Hopefully this is a decision we won't have to make, as I wouldn't wish this evil disease on my worst enemy!

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