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If you had cancer..

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well on a serious note if i got told i had 6 months to live then boi i be on news... cos be warned every human being done wrong to me then theyd be getting a visit n punish with a horrible painful torturious death.. and then theres the question of them idiot terrorist that our government allow to walk the streets then i'd see it as my duty to rid uk of em before i go.. also theres the money front i'd have to rob n steal n hold up as many businesses i could to make sure my family n kids have sum serious money to make em comfortable with me gone... then theres the women? all these fit birds we see n want yet ant got prayer of getting then i cud have me ha ha i cud take em by force as how u gunna punish a man thats dying anyway? ..... see why its a bad idea to tell ppl they only have 6months left to live ha ha .


So, lets be clear about this, Scott. You're admitting publically that if you were ever to be diagnosed with a terminal illness that you'd go on a killing spree, involving anyone you don't like and raping any woman that took your fancy?

And you preface your comments with 'on a serious note'.

You're one sick puppy. I hope you're not married or a father.

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well on a serious note if i got told i had 6 months to live then boi i be on news... cos be warned every human being done wrong to me then theyd be getting a visit n punish with a horrible painful torturious death.. and then theres the question of them idiot terrorist that our government allow to walk the streets then i'd see it as my duty to rid uk of em before i go.. also theres the money front i'd have to rob n steal n hold up as many businesses i could to make sure my family n kids have sum serious money to make em comfortable with me gone... then theres the women? all these fit birds we see n want yet ant got prayer of getting then i cud have me ha ha i cud take em by force as how u gunna punish a man thats dying anyway? ..... see why its a bad idea to tell ppl they only have 6months left to live ha ha .


Look, it's scottwoodburn, who'd rape women if he thought he could get away with it.

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I lost my niece aged 21 in May from cancer,she was an intelligent clever beautiful girl,she fought the cancer and it was her choice to have chemo ect,it maybe did give her longer i dont know,she was the same girl inside but outwardly she changed with all the side effects ect,i will never forget her words when she said im me not the girl with cancer!!!!! and game on was her word every time she had another setback,im so so proud of everything she achieved and it was an honour to know her. She chose to have treatment and maybe it did give her more time she never stopped smiling or let it stop her living her life as best she could even when she was in a wheelchair too weak to walk.

Thank you Scottwoodburn glad you found this subject amusing i hope to god you never ever get this evil wicked disease

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and were told you only had 6 months to live and that chemo or radiation would only give you say....3 extra months but you'd be sick all the time from the treatment, would you take your 6 months or try for the extra 3? What if they caught the cancer earlier and you had a 50/50 chance of beating it but the treatment would severely affect your quality of life with no guarantee that you would beat it, would you do it or let nature take its course?


Just curious.


Would forget about the treatment and take it like a man.

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This is the attitude I was talking about.....I simply cannot accept this thinking. Its down to the individual and what they want their life to be about. Several posters mentioned pressure from others in the family as being the reason that someone went forward with treatment to the later regret of those that watched them suffer. Why do we feel that we have to fight to stay alive, even if it is for only a short time and quality of life takes a back seat? I would much rather live while I am alive than basically exist in such pain and sickness that I wished I were dead.


In your original post, you stated that the cancer patient could have a 50/50 chance of survival with treatment - to me, I've seen worse odds, and some people enjoy their lives and want them to continue for as long as possible - obviously not everyone enjoys life, and they might feel some relief in seeing an end to it - I myself can't say that I feel like this, so yes with 50% chance of living, I'd go for the treatment...


My mother fought the fight and lost - but the extra 13 years treatment gave her were of fantastic quality, just the last 3 months were bad... It's well worth the fight, believe me...

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Would forget about the treatment and take it like a man.


Not everyone enjoys life - I think that is CT's point - and if you find out you have a terminal condition, for some people life is not worth fighting for... I think that this is totally their right to be honest, and it does free up resources for those who want to fight, so people who feel this way shouldn't be pushed into accepting assistance...

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It's impossible to say. I would have to factor in my age, my stage in life, what stage the cancer was at, the type etc. If I were given those odds now then I'd take everything on offer and throw everything at the damned disease as my kids are still young and I want to see them grow up and be there for them. However, if I were in my 80s, for example, I'd probably not bother with the treatment and try and make the most of what time I did have.


I've seen many people outlive their original prognosis and others who have spent up to a year, from original diagnosis, ill and in and out of hospital having a variety of toxic and debilitating treatments and in pain die. I think that even oncologists do not know why some respond and go into remission and others don't, so given the information, the odds, weighing up all the probabilities and factoring in age and stage of life, it's a decision that one can only make when faced with it.

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I attempted a reply yesterday...and abandoned it for loss of words.


I've read the thread, and still don't understand the reason it was started...."just curious" isn't good enough.


Most replies are fictitious, as in "if it were me".

Others have seen the suffering of this dreadful disease..


I just don't get it at all.


No one knows what they would do in such circumstances untill the time comes, and I truly hope it doesn't come to those fictitious posters who will probably change their opinions if it happens to them.


Life is precious no matter what age you are.


My wife has done the chemo, radiotherapy, blood transfusions........and the treatment is helping her to live with a decent "quality of life".

Life isn't as it was...that's the nature of disease.

We haven't yet reached the goodbye stage but know the cancer won't go away.

The treatment has helped and we hope spend a good while together yet.


The decision to have chemo etc was hers entirely......and I suspect that would be the decision of the "fictitious" posters if the time should come.


I'm annoyed that such a subject is treat as..."what if?"


There are many sufferers of Cancer, all with tales to tell, all going through the same trauma of treatment (or not)...... please....give a thought to those involved before posting.

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