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School cancels playtime in row over noise

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I'm shocked by this. How grumpy and antisocial do you have to be in order to complain to environmental health about the noise of children happily playing :roll:


Selby school cancels outside break in row over noise

Children at a school near Selby have had a play break cancelled and hard ball games banned after neighbours complained to the council about noise.


Barlby Community Primary School has also put up a soundproof fence because it fears a noise abatement order.


The school said the decisions were "regrettable" but necessary to prevent the chance of a notice being served.


Some parents are unhappy about the move, which was also criticised by the organisation Play England.




Children make a noise, they need to play and express themselves.

It seems that there are a set of biggoted, selfish and stupid people in this area.

I am very suprised at the schools responce, children are bieng accused of bieng obese through lack of exersise and these idiots dont like the sound of children having fun.


What a sad lot have they forgoton what it was like to be a child

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For the price of the soundproof fence I'd have bought them all weekly bus passes and ear plugs so the offended residents can either get out and about and experience some joy in their lives or block the noise out more efficiently. Give them the option!

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I work a lot from home now and used to love very near a school, f!
:hihi::hihi::hihi: nice one.


i think the national news aught to go and interview these people who complained and show the interview on calender/look leeds/news at 1,6 and 10, and see how much bloody sympathy they get!


none would imagine:hihi:

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The complainents have refused to give a statement which lets face it is not suprising. Its shades of that idiot who moved next door to a church then were so shocked they rang bells they dumped an injunction onthe church to stop!!! Ye gods, were they blind when they looked at the house?

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Kids being seen and not bleedin heard :D




When I take the dawg for a walk through the park, I go past the children's play area - they don't half make a row, enjoying themselves.


I think I'll complain to the Council about it - it's disgusting that children should be allowed to make such a noise whilst getting some healthy exercise in the fresh air.

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When I take the dawg for a walk through the park, I go past the children's play area - they don't half make a row, enjoying themselves.


I think I'll complain to the Council about it - it's disgusting that children should be allowed to make such a noise whilst getting some healthy exercise in the fresh air.


..you should've set t'dog on 'em, Doze!

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Apart from anything else, what more joyful noise in the world is there than kids playing ?


I agree it's one of my favourite sounds, however children shrieking for no reason and running loose in restaurants and supermarkets is a definite no-no with me.

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Is it a new school? If not, the neighbours must have been aware they were moving next to a school and by extension a playground. It would be like moving next to a farm and complaining about the smell of animals.


Exactly. A playground where all the kids played quietly would look like something out of "The Stepford Wives", too creepy for words.

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  • 7 months later...
They wouldnt have the problem if they got a job


Brilliantly though out response, What if they are elderly and have already worked all their life and looking forward to a peacful retirement, or possibly suffer from a dibilitating desease that prevents them from working.

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Brilliantly though out response, What if they are elderly and have already worked all their life and looking forward to a peacful retirement, or possibly suffer from a dibilitating desease that prevents them from working.


if they wanted a peaceful retirement, they shouldn't have moved in next to a school.

I think it is outrageous. I mean, I don't like kids, but you would never find me moving in near a school


It isn't rocket surgery.

I think the council should be just as ashamed. Kids need to play, and teachers need the break!

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