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School cancels playtime in row over noise

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Brilliantly though out response, What if they are elderly and have already worked all their life and looking forward to a peacful retirement, or possibly suffer from a dibilitating desease that prevents them from working.


Then, as someone else has already pointed out - I just want to repeat it - it was pretty bloody daft to buy a house that backs onto a school playground, wasn't it?

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Then, as someone else has already pointed out - I just want to repeat it - it was pretty bloody daft to buy a house that backs onto a school playground, wasn't it?


I think you are correct if you know for certain that they moved into house knowing the school was there (it does look quite a new school) rather than the school be re-located, or they could have re-located the play area.

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if they wanted a peaceful retirement, they shouldn't have moved in next to a school.


It isn't rocket surgery. !


Just a query off topic, but what is rocket surgery? I have heard of rocket science.

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Hmm, I live near a school, and the kids make noise at playtime. I'd never have anticipated that! It's about 15 minutes at a time, slightly longer at lunchtime, so it really puts a crimp on my day... Honestly, some people should go and live in a cave on a remote, unpopulated island!


Far more of a problem is all the parents who have to pick their precious darlings up in a car :rolleyes:

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