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Hyde Park flats

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I grw up on Park Hill Flats,quite a few of the kids from Hyde Park came to our school.My aunts, uncles etc lived on Hyde Park, Wybourn, Manor & Manor Park.This area is my childhood. God, those teacher at Park Hill school were scary,still we were better behaved and knew about respect.I was a bridesmaid for my cousin at St Johns church, and seem to remember there being ayouth club there (of sorts).Park Hill picture palace,Violet Mays a the bottom of south street,Duke Street chippy (YES !). the pig stys on sky edge. Park baths, and Park library where your life was in danger if you so much as dared to make a noise.


Lots of happy memories of old friends and times gone by. The place still stays with me now and holds so much fondness even though we had some very hard times back then.

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In the 60's I used to play bass guitar in one or two pop groups around Sheffield..I used to have a large bass bin and amplifier and an Epiphone bass...I'd fitted wheels on the bass bin so i could roll my equipment from the lift along the corridors to my flat on Roland Row, one night I got dropped off outside the flats about 2 am unloaded my equipment from the van, said goodnight to the band lads and trundled across to the lift..guess what?? lift not working. So all on my own I proceded to cart my heavy gear up the stairway( was the one at The Duke Street end) what a pain, it seemed like hours later when I finaly got to Roland Row and rolled my load up to the front Door..I was completely Knackered...I should have taken up the flute.

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I can remember playing with some mates in the graveyard at St.Johns in the 1960's. There was one grave which used to give me the willies - as far as I can recall the inscription read something like:


'this is a mystery grave - whoever can solve the mystery of this tomb will ......'


I cannot remember anymore, but as a young kid it really gave me the creeps.


Can anyone else remember this?

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I dont remember that prticular grave,but we used to cut through the graveyard on the way home from my auties on the wybourn.My sister allway used to wait till we got halfway through it and then leg it leaving me quaking with terror and screaming like a nutter.She thought it was hilarious , me i just peed my self!.Oh well the joys of growing up.


One thing i do remember is everyone sitting on the grassed area that looked down over Midland Station to watch Wednesday in their bus after the werein the cup final(the one they lost)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I never lived on the flats but had a few friends who did, I lived on Broomall flats. I used to go to the hide away club & we would hang around on the shops before we were allowed in & it was unbelievable the stuff that were thrown over the balconys.There were yellow markings painted on the floor these were areas not to walk on or be very careful if you did (danger zones) I used to knock about with 2 lads that jumped 1 lived & 1 died, the 1 that lived turned to Jesus & became Christian.

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I wonder if you knew a lad named Terry Hunt.

All I can say is he lived in Parkhill Flats back in the 1960s. Maybe top floor but unclear. Used to ride a Triumph 350.

I remember leaving his place with another mate (Colin Bedell from Shiregreen) in a bit of a state in frosty weather and attempting to walk down a steep grass bank- to some road - result being a decent dual somersault act and my Burtons suit with a short right leg.

Looked good on the bus.

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  • 7 months later...


I remember the girl that was hit inthe head with a TV, she was my friend in school at St. Johns. We had a moment of time for her in class, my teachers name at the time was Mr.Stubbs, hated him.

I remember the dog track too, we lived right across from it on Derwent Row. Michelle

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Originally posted by gezmac

I never lived on the flats but had a few friends who did, I lived on Broomall flats. I used to go to the hide away club & we would hang around on the shops before we were allowed in & it was unbelievable the stuff that were thrown over the balconys.There were yellow markings painted on the floor these were areas not to walk on or be very careful if you did (danger zones) I used to knock about with 2 lads that jumped 1 lived & 1 died, the 1 that lived turned to Jesus & became Christian.


the lad that survived is a friend of mine. he survived, but with very severe injuries.



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i lived on lord row , drank in the target landlord was dennis? landlady margaret ? barman was.horice me & toby spent some cash in there along with derek c who lived above it .

anyone remember mexican des? the lady in the shop was sue? and she did give tick but got ripped off all the time des used to lower down a basket and shout to anyone who was passing to get him a loaf ect and give him a shout when they came back , the money was in the basket and nobody ripped des off!

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Yes I remember mexican des... he lived just above the shops.


he passed away within the last couple of years or so...


I've mentioned Sue, and her shop, on here. She was a laugh. We used to get stuff on strap from her, as we were on benefit, and had the kids to feed, it was hard to manage, especially those last couple of days, when you are "scratching", before the giro came...



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