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Hyde Park flats

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Originally posted by segasonic

I lived on High Pavement Row, number 48 I believe, circa 1982. I remember a horrible incident of an 8 year old girl having one of those old-fashioned massive televisions land on her, thrown from one of the balconies and killing her instantly. :( Am I right?

I went to St John's School at the time, teachers I recall are Mrs Godbehere and I *think* one called Mrs Powell...

Does anyone else remember the derilict dog track? I used to be fascinated by the giant scoreboard. (Probably wasn't fantastically massive, but it looked it to a 6 year old!)


Yes I remember reading about this in The Star when it happened.

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I lived on the Hyde Park flats for a while.....43 Dacre Row I think. I well remember the tv going over the side and landing on a little girl, dont remember the ants but my place was riddled with silver fish. Those 'garchey' systems in the kitchen sinks were forever clogging up. I hear now that they are demolished and went into filling in the hole in the road.....best place for them.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by BILDEBORG

I lived on the Hyde Park flats for a while.....43 Dacre Row I think. I well remember the tv going over the side and landing on a little girl, dont remember the ants but my place was riddled with silver fish. Those 'garchey' systems in the kitchen sinks were forever clogging up. I hear now that they are demolished and went into filling in the hole in the road.....best place for them.


You might have been my next door neighbour , we lived at 42 Dacre Row.You could see the Target pub from the living room window ( we were above the shops ) and that grass bit in the middle where we always played football.Our balcony faced the St.John's church side..The football was always getting booted over the railing and we would look over the side and see where it landed then one of us would have to go and get it, 20 minutes later the match would continue.You weren't the one who kept pretending he was Alan Woodward where you , He was proper :loopy:

Feel bad now but, as kids we used to play knock and run on "Deaf and Dumb man " ...

Still not figured out why he chased us. How do you hear the bell or us singing "deaf and dumbman, deaf and dumbman hey hey hey deaf and dumbman " If you are D & D :heyhey:


I went to Park Hill school at the time and if i remember right the kid who had his head chopped off was Mark Travis he went there as well , he was on top of the lift though Kirky when someone called for it, some kids at that time used to do what was called riding the lift .


Anybody else remember the SALLY ANN playing on sunday mornings and waking everybody up and then we would be chucking coins at them and watching a couple of them scarper around like little ants picking up the rolling coins



Childhood memories you never forget :D


Regards Canada Blade

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i have some photographs of hyde park flats..... click below:




these were taken mainly late eighties/ early nineties. i lived there for a year in 1992 after the refurbishment. i didn't like it as all the landings had been closed in, and tried moving back to kelvin, but that was due for demolition, so i ended up at park hill instead!

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hey yo!

i was bowled over to find this about hyde park flats,i used to live on chancel row number 56 or 58 i think..it was on the stairs,creeepy they were especialy at night.

i remember the target pub and i can remember derek chambers cause i used to hang around with his lad craig..can ur remember micheal comber who use to live on st johns row cause i know him too..i can remember the electric carts used by the porters and i can remember when they updated them to faster zippier ones too!..i think they had a yelow one and a orange un

i can remember when near the shops it used to be flat and they came along and built all manner of stuff to try and tidy the place up...there was a little park up near the target pub and i can still remember the jcb with the hydraulic hammer smashing it up...remember the marble sign on the wall near the community centre,it was a browny color about who opened the flats..people used to use it as a ledge to get down off that grass bit above.

hey yo too...i can remember mexican des too cause he knew me to talk too and my dad Mick Evans.

we moved away to norfolk park sometime in the 80's but i have many memories of this place still today and most days i think back to the great BMX catch me if ur can cat and mouse games we' d play around the landings.

i went to st johns school temp and park hill too and i remember the day before we 'd had a game of tiggy and i tried to carry it on nxt morning...only prob was i tug him nxt morning with a pot on my arm forgeting it was on my arm and he was not amused!

still hyde park was great if ur had a bike cause it cut city road out! u could come from town and use it to get to sky edge then across to the BMX track across the road where the 96 bus used to run...by the way i was at the meeting in the comunity centre that helped design that bmx track.

i can remeber the police station being built near the shops because they reckoned it would help curb crime on the flats.

i remeber sue too at the shop cause my dad used to go in too and "scrap" betwen giros and if ur did nt pay her lad would come and !ask ur! .

Can ur remember the (sorry to call em this) rapper lot? one moved away to wyborne and one was a colored youth.

can you remember the paintings they did near the porters offices....i helped out with those on the days away to hull and cleethorpes etc with a group involved in them.

I could go on and on cause i 've many merories.

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Originally posted by Dinkychink

...remember the marble sign on the wall near the community centre,it was a browny color about who opened the flats..people used to use it as a ledge to get down off that grass bit above...


it said "opened by the queen mother" etc. i've got a picture of it if anyone's interested!


my dad went to a meeting just before the opening of the flats. one of the planning team nearly got booted out 'cos he said the flats would be slums in twenty years' time!:)

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Yes Pllllllz...Any Photos And Pics Would Be Vvvvvery Gratefull!

I Carnt Believe I ve Managed To Get The Photos Off This Site Of Before It Went As Id Have Lost Them Forever.

I Remember Des As Looking Abit Like Frank Butcher .

How Right Him At The Meeting Was About In Twenty Years Time The State Of The Flats Would Be.What A Waste Of Money ETC They Spent On That So Called Improvements In The Centre Near The Shops.

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my sister moved onto chequers row,just after they had been built,we watched the big block being built,i had a friend called graham,who lived on st johns gardens,i moved to ropery row and was there till we had to move for student games,my kids went to st johns,my mother in law lived at 46 high pavement row,we went for our dinner,my kids ,were out playing,i went to shout them in ,and they were screaming to this little lass to run,ive known the family for years,they moved the lad and his family,pretty much straight away,it was a few year before her parents moved,i loved it on there,thanks for the fotos pete,it brought back some memories.:)

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