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Hyde Park flats

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i remember on hyde park when they come round every flat and changed the locks for ones you could open from the inside with no keys...the little kids would put there arms thru the letterboxes and be able to unlock ur front door when ur wernt in!!!!!!! that is till they come round with them letter box plates and the door handle gaurds!

i remember one of the porters too..his name was granville..he had artharitis in his leg and moved his job to work on park hill after hyde park.

off bevis row i can remember kirk (he knew bono and they both were a wizard on the bmx's) who moved to wyborn...pete lawson...claire and samantha who were sisters.


can ur remember the sinks on hyde park too...they had a drain pipe sized piece ud pull up to let ur waste down...phhewww they always use to smell never mind how much bleach etc ud use.


More Photos Please Pete...As Many As Ur Got!

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Originally posted by Dinkychink

i remember on hyde park when they come round every flat and changed the locks for ones you could open from the inside with no keys...the little kids would put there arms thru the letterboxes and be able to unlock ur front door when ur wernt in!!!!!!! that is till they come round with them letter box plates and the door handle gaurds!

i remember one of the porters too..his name was granville..he had artharitis in his leg and moved his job to work on park hill after hyde park.

off bevis row i can remember kirk (he knew bono and they both were a wizard on the bmx's) who moved to wyborn...pete lawson...claire and samantha who were sisters.


can ur remember the sinks on hyde park too...they had a drain pipe sized piece ud pull up to let ur waste down...phhewww they always use to smell never mind how much bleach etc ud use.


More Photos Please Pete...As Many As Ur Got!


I remember the locks change, very well. That would have been in about 1985. I remember the bars they put down the door jambs to strengthen them, and the glassed panels beside each front door being replaced by that laminated glass. (I remember that a lot of them had attempts to smash them, and all it did was craze the glass, they didn't go through , (well, not as a rule, anyway)


I remember granville, the caretaker, very well, he was a nice bloke, a hard worker at a thankless task (keeping the landings an d communal areas clean) very friendly and helpful, always had time for a kind word or two.


I don't remember the folk mentioned on bevis row, but i do remember the garchey sink systems. I think the garcheys would probably have worked if everyone had kept their particular bits clean, but not everyone did, i used to scrub mine out with bleach and all sorts of cleaners.


One of my neighbours had decorated her kitchen, and it looked really nice... then, a few days later, there was a problem with the garchey. Someone above or below her flat had blocked the system up, and the waste was "backed up".


Can you see where this is going?




The blockage "gave" very suddenly, and explosively.....




sprayed stinking, putrid waste all over her newly decorated kitchen.


Ugh! it was dreadful!



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(I lived on Dacre row, right above the "Target" pub on the Manor Oaks Road end.


i surprised ur dont remember me..aint it a small world cause id have gone by ur many a time.we lived on chancel row me and my dad on the stairs in the corner near the news agents end and he was well known on the flats.

we lived opposite pete who worked for tuffnells parcells...i know i would 'nt go back and live on em again.

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yes it's true!


according to the star and telegraph at the time, it was cheaper to bury it than cart it miles off, although i think some was sold to make roads.


maybe it didn't all fit in the hole!


maybe someone left an old settee in their flat, and there's a tram driving over it every ten minutes!:hihi:

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Originally posted by koritsi

THANKYOU Pete for putting it on :D


glad it has finally been seen and appreciated!


wasn't sure why i took it at the time, but i just thought it looked a bit odd, this posh-looking marble plaque with the queen mother mentioned on it, in the middle of this massive bare concrete building!


my dad's got some photo's from before the flats were occupied, but it will be a while before i can put those on. i'm stood in one of them, in a romper suit!


in the meantime here are four more on of the flats being demolished, and people running to escape the cloud of dust like a scene from 9/11.





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