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Hyde Park flats

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I don't remember the Samuel Plimsoll pub having the climbing frame outside it. there was a play area a bit further over, nearer the old church. could that be it?


The Target pub, on the biggest block, had a climbing frame and play area nearby. In fact, as I type, I'm looking at a "shweeeet" photo of my stepsons, from 1984/5 taken of the boys, infant school-age, sitting on top of the tube-y thing you could crawl through (In the days when it was safe to crawl through it!!) with the flats behind them.


i remember the slide near the church yard it was made of concreate i fell of it and cut my mouth open

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My sister lived on reubens row, so as a young teen i use to hang out there around 81 - 85. They were good fdriends with mexican des (bless him) & used Sue s shop on the tick on a daily basis. Never had to have there name put in the window though.

I remember hearing about the girl who had the TV land on her & many other jumpers but never saw anything gruesome myself.

Oh the memories!


I was brought up on Broomhill flats like gez so understand the problems of living in high rise inner city flats, but to a young child there was so much exploring to do.

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My sister lived on reubens row, so as a young teen i use to hang out there around 81 - 85. They were good fdriends with mexican des (bless him) & used Sue s shop on the tick on a daily basis. Never had to have there name put in the window though.

I remember hearing about the girl who had the TV land on her & many other jumpers but never saw anything gruesome myself.

Oh the memories!


I was brought up on Broomhill flats like gez so understand the problems of living in high rise inner city flats, but to a young child there was so much exploring to do.



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I remember the girl that was hit inthe head with a TV, she was my friend in school at St. Johns. We had a moment of time for her in class, my teachers name at the time was Mr.Stubbs, hated him.

I remember the dog track too, we lived right across from it on Derwent Row. Michelle


i remember the dog track my dad was on the door of the club

ted savage we used to live on daker row

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I lived on the Hyde Park flats for a while.....43 Dacre Row I think. I well remember the tv going over the side and landing on a little girl, dont remember the ants but my place was riddled with silver fish. Those 'garchey' systems in the kitchen sinks were forever clogging up. I hear now that they are demolished and went into filling in the hole in the road.....best place for them.
hi i lived at i think it was No 46 daker row in the late 60s

early 70s my dad used to be on the door at the dog track

do you remember me steve savage my mates were john and dennis wilson and martin dessay i think thats how you spell it

if anyone remembers me and would like to chat my email is savage.57@hotmail.com

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does anyone remember the old lady that used to give us all sweats

until one day she was beaten to death with the brass pedel from a piano the young lad was remanded to the queens pleasure

late 60s early70s dont remember his name iremember at the time they said the flat was covered in blood as he had hit her several times

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Hi steve1002004 my name is neville palmer i used to live at 106 lordrow my sisters name's are nadine and janet we all went to st john's. I hung around with Dean leslie Paul nelson Mark renshaw David powell Anthony conell Robert mcdonald Nigel derby Anthony bennet who married my ex girlfriend Lisa ashmore Margret gregory Lisa hardcastle Cheryl fieldhouse Paul cunningham Michelle morrison Karen martin Stephanie robinson who lived on lord row Mr stubbs was our football coach and oh yes good old mr martin say no more do these name ring a bell.

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