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Rip off shops and your custom

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I once went to STEARS BEERS (scicey) and bought 8 bottles in a kind of cardboard carry thing, anyhow they have narrowed the shop down by the tills (presumably to keep check on shoplifting) and some other customers having been called further down to the other till, knocked my bottles into the counter and one smashed one so I showed it the assistant and he said take it back and get another 8 bottles.

I did and paid, and when he gave me my change I noticed he had charged me too much. I asked him if he had charged me for the smashed bottle that he saw was not my fault and he said yes but I have only charged you x amount for it.


The *******. I didn't go in for some thing like 9 months after that, and had I not already paid and knew before hand he was going to do it I would have left the bottles and told him where to get off.


Stears Beers = robbing <REMOVED>


Cheeky bugger!! Why didn't you stand there and argue it out with him - I'm sure he'd have given you a refund to get rid of you, if you were holding up the queue!!!

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It can't be both ways - they can't be losing out on profit ("They could charge less and make more") and be maximising profit ("They must have a formula that works out the maximum price they can charge before people refuse to part with their cash to the point where it costs them money") at the same time.


You can't charge low prices at service stations because people expect high prices - so it's only those prepared to pay high price that stop and spend. If you lowered prices you'd go bust before word got around - and besides, people will still only stop there if they need petrol or a wee and are on the correct motorway.


The Stan Ogden principle of economics, put prices up by a third, lose a third of your customers. Same income and a third less graft.

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Do you stop shopping at places because they are a rip off?


What things do you consider a rip off?


I've just been to a shop for 8 beers, and at £7 they were pretty dear as it was, and then to pay on card it was an extra 50p.


I consider that a rip off (the 50p charge), and I don't think I'll be going again.


In Sheffield there are a few places that I have stopped shopping at & that was due to their "poor customer care" which was made worser by the management :roll: There is a beauty place in town which I went to not long ago & used to go to a lot before. I bought some products which they had on offer & the price came upto something like £9.81 (I think or something near that sum) I pulled out my card but the therapist refused to use my card because my billing was not £10.00 or more :huh: I asked her if she was being serious as I had used my card at this place before & the billing had been below & they had accepted my card. She was not budging & would not use my card unless my total was £10 or more? 19p would it have really made much of a difference?

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I'll bow to your knowledge here, as I've never worked in retail.


However, I suspect that Sainsbury's don't send their takings off to the bank in a carrier bag. :) I would also imagine that the volume of card sales in a big store would enable sufficient economies of scale to offset the cost of processing card transactions. I can't remember the last time that I paid cash for a purchase over £30.


The retailer the OP is talking about sounds like a small retailer, to be fair.It's small retailers who tend to charge because it's small retailers who pay more. However, most people don't seem to realise there is a cost associated with taking card payments and so assume that if this cost is passed on they are being ripped off. I've worked in places where people have bought things for less than £1 with a debit card (fee 15p-50p-ish depending on deal negotiated by retailer) and they've asked for a bag (cost to retailer 10p). When you work out how much profit is left once the retailer has paid their supplier, utilities, rent, rates, wages, insurance, VAt etc (answer - it'd be cheaper to just give them the item for nothing) you can see why some pass on the charge for the card processing.


The rates you pay on card transactions are a function of how much cash you take, so Sainsburys et al will pay a lot less per transaction than a small retailer. A small retailer selling low cost items will be looking at somewhere between 1 and 2% of turnover (not profit) in card processing fees over the year.

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In Sheffield there are a few places that I have stopped shopping at & that was due to their "poor customer care" which was made worser by the management :roll: There is a beauty place in town which I went to not long ago. I bought some products which they had on offer & the price came upto something like £9.81 (I think or something near that sum) I pulled out my card but the therapist refused to use my card because my billing was not £10.00 or more :huh: I asked her if she was being serious as I had never heard that before. I have been to places where you have to buy products to the value of five pound or more but never that!


Why didn't you just offer to pay £10 - it's only another 19p.

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Why didn't you just offer to pay £10 - it's only another 19p.


I said that to her, add on the 19p but she would not budge. She said I would have to buy another product/s or a treatment. When I pushed it further by saying that I had purchased products in the past which were lower in price & that I had paid by card & it had never been an issue her reply was it has always been company policy that we do not accept any card payments that are below £10. Which is untrue ^^^

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I said that to her, add on the 19p but she would not budge. She said I would have to buy another product/s or a treatment. When I pushed it further by saying that I had purchased products in the past which were lower in price & that I had paid by card & it had never been an issue her reply was it has always been company policy that we do not accept any card payments that are below £10. Which is <REMOVED> untrue ^^^


The company could well have a policy that they won't accept payments under £10, but perhaps whoever served you before wasn't too fussy about implementing it and the company might have decided to have a crack down.

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