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Ebay rant-auction about child being murdered!!

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Absolutely disgusting-ebay lack of communication and failure to do ANYTHING (just for a change)


There is a user (56minutes) creating reborn horror looking dolls (this is not something i have a problem with as i appreciate we all collect and like different things! BUT in the description of the dolls the user has created stories for each one about them being children/babies and being murdered and chopped up with an axe etc....

Now im sure some will think im over reacting but so be it. There is a 3 page thread on a doll forum from people who are disturbed and very upset by this detail going into an auction!!! All those poor babies/children in the real world murdered and in the media at the moment and this SICK person does this!!!!!!!! On a public open auction site!!!


Getting hold of a 'real' person in ebay customer services is like a needle in a haystack!!


I think any auctions from this awful person should not be allowed to have this sort of description in it!!!!


I know some will say just ignore the auction if we dont like it but thats not the point!! No one should be faced with such awful stories about child abuse!!!


Sorry for the rant.

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Some people just have sick minds i guess.


True. Very true.


Each to their own though. It's a free world. If people want to read stories about other folk being butchered, that's their bag really. Not personally bothered, but I'll leave them to it. Certainly wouldn't make an issue of it or complain to anyone about it.


That said, one man's sick is another's pleasure. I find it thoroughly sick seeing people being conned out of money by some charlatan claiming to talk to their dead relative when they're greiving. Far more offensive to me than some clearly ficticious account of a murder that didn't happen. That's just me though. We're all different. It's what makes the world go round.

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