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Facebook's Curse


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My niece should be banned from FB.

T'other day she posted here status "i'm having my tea now", 10 minutes later she updated it to say "finished".

I deleted her. :hihi:


I also had a hiking friend who dressed as a duck all the time she was at home, ( i kid you not) her posts would start and end "quack quack", she's gone now too.


I dunno who's the most stupid, them for posting so much spam or me logging in to read it. :huh:

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Hahah I love Facebook. I've got in touch with people I used to go to Wigan Casino with many years ago ... and a guy I knew at college. I can also keep in touch with friends around the world that I only ever see once a year at a soul weekender.


Any irritaing application that someone has, you can hide ... so I don't see where the problem lies. And if they're being miserable devils (I have one girl who persistenly says she's depressed etc so for a while I "hide" her, until she's bucked up)

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Facebook seems to take over many peoples lives, you only have to look at the threads on here!


Breaking up relationships (although personally I don't believe they can blame facebook for that). I've heard people aguing on the street because of who talks to them on Facebook. People telling their friends secrets to the world. It all gets pretty stupid!


On the good side it's great for keeping in touch with old friends who you don't get to see anymore. I use mine so that family and friends can see photos of the kids as they grow up. I found my oh on there so i'm thankful for it!


What I hate is all the daft game invites and updates. It takes ages to get through the crap efore you get to read anything interesting. Personally I don't sign in much, no longer change my status unless needed and I play poker when I do sign in, that's it.

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My status updates are always informative, interesting, and never, EVER silly.


Sometimes people update their statuses like that because they feel someone is listening, especially if they comment on it. And really, they are listening in a way to them.


I'm not liking having no mobile one at the moment though, STILL not sorted it out!!!! :rant:

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My status updates are always informative, interesting, and never, EVER silly.

Sometimes people update their statuses like that because they feel someone is listening, especially if they comment on it. And really, they are listening in a way to them.


I'm not liking having no mobile one at the moment though, STILL not sorted it out!!!! :rant:

My bold


Absolutely! But you forgot intellectual and ladylike! :hihi:


I just get rid of the updates from other people's games - they're tedious.


FB is a bit like real life - not every conversation you have is fascinating, sparkling, intellectual debate on important subjects of the day, and FB statuses are the same.

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Haha facebook is ridiculous sometimes! A friend put last night 'Craig has just got back from the gym and is going to pro chill and watch some tv' What on earth?!


Matt is having lunch………………


The worst is Dave is bored…


I had something like 300 friends, Ive no scaled it down to 150 ish..

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Is it just me or has anyone else noticed the sheer amount of moaning that goes on with facebook. It seems that the majority of anyone who regularily updates their status is whininging about this and that..


and while i'm at it who really cares if so and so is having a cup of tea, going to bed now or watching a film, its hardly ground-breaking must know news.

ahhh :rant:


Would be such a breath of fresh air is they could implement a ban on all updates that arn't intersting, funny or up-beat..wishful thinking...


If you think that's bad, try having the misfortune of using <REMOVED> for a few hours...

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