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Strange dream - does anyone know what they mean ..


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for the last 4-5 nights i have been having dreams.. different things are happening but the same 2 people are in each dream . One of them people being my nan who passed away a year ago and my current partner who i have been seeing for the last 6and half months. Im wondering if anyone can help me try and analyze this as its pretty weird that the same 2 people are in the dream every night .. :)

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There are plenty of people who claim to be able to interpret the meanings of dreams, but the simple fact is that nobody actually knows why we dream or what they might mean. It could be that they don't mean anything and are genuinely just random thoughts, and I don't see how we can ever prove anything either way.

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I guess your nan meant a lot to you (most nans do)....and you are very close to your new girlfriend/boyfriend...you maybe subconciously wanting your nans approval of your relationship


Im sure this dream will stop pretty soon

good luck in your new relationship :)

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About four weeks ago I had a dream about an ex girlfriend whom I had not seen for 44years. I had the same dream for three consecutive nights. I rang a relative of this person who informed me that the woman had just had a serious operation for lung cancer.

Why did this happen,coincidence or what.:confused:

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On a similar theme, Lucifer, I had an on off 'thing' over a two year period with someone. Strangely, after not seeing, or hearing, anything about him for well over a year, on Saturday night I dreamt that I was out around town and got involved with his stag night! I'm now curious to know whether he was actually having a stag night on Saturday .... that would be really spooky!


As to the OP, wouldn't a lot depend on what the two people are doing in the dreams? Maybe your nan being there is trying to tell you that you need to involve your current love with your family more? They say that dreams are your subconscious trying to tell you something that you're either overlooking or ignoring in your waking life. The alternative theory is that it's just your brain archiving memories and incidents from daily life and your waking thoughts.


I'm not sure how the dreams that Lucifer and myself had fit in with those theories though, as I'm sure neither of us would be archiving after such a passage of time? :huh:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Your dream means what it means to you. It's how you interpret it that matters not anyone else.


Take for instance a dream I had last night. I dreamt I had bought a car and the first thing I did was drive to Blackpool (of all places). I dreamt that I was walking through Blackpool and someone tried to steal my wallet. Later in the dream I couldn't find my car and the alarm went off and woke me up before the conclusion.


I have been thinking of buying my car recently but I'm unsure whether or not I can afford one. To me and me alone, I came to the conclusion that my dream was my subconscious telling me that it may be a rash decision.

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I have done some dream visioning for the OP.

A series of four letters appear, but I can only make out three.

It would appear, that your Nan, is a symbol for the past, golden days, that you mourn and you realise there is more than a strong possibility you will never re-live them again.

Your partner is significant. As much as your strength of feeling for her is, you do not know whether you can do the sensible thing, giving more of your love to her, and cease the impossible dreaming of the glory days of the past.

I am trying to unlock the mystery around the root of your problem, and troubling dreams, but, as I said, I can only see three of the four letters. Do you happen to know what the missing letter could be? S W _ C?

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