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Ethnic minorities double in 20 years

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We are all immigrants, apart from the original Celts .. Romans, Anglo Saxons, Vikings, Normans until the present day immigrants from Eastern Europe. Englishness, does not exist in reality.


Really, where did the Celts come from were they suspended in ice?

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If you're one of the hand-wringing liberal left who jumps on every opportunity to support minority groups' 'rights' over those of white people, you might see there as being nothing wrong with it.


If, however, you were a white English person who thinks it's actually a good thing for England to retain its heritage and national identity and to remain, predominantly, a white English nation, then the idea of our native race being bred into minority status within 3 or 4 generations by out of control immigration policies and disproportionate immigrant birthrates, you might disagree. You might even think it a bad thing that rapid ethnic imbalance might ruin your nation’s structure and identity – but those lickspittles of the liberal left would most likely label you racist, Nazi or worse just for wanting to preserve your nation’s identity.


You might also see it as a bad thing on a global scale as ever-increasing non-white populations tend to mean ever-increasing need for overseas aid paid by the whiter West, funding the irresponsible and socially immature nations which fail to control their birthrates.

Dont be drawn by the trolls on here.

They will get you stopped of as sure as eggs is eggs.

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Response to Hlibut:


Im going say the un-sayable now...There is a reason why, relatively speaking, the UK is a safe, stable, healthy country with good infrastructure, and that reason is that it has been majority European forever.


But look at Jamaica, look at argentina, look at somalia, i could go on.


Could you clarify the point you're making Shy talk? What are the salient differences between Jamaica, Argentina and Somalia, compared to the UK?

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Assuming a doubling of population A (the minority) at each generation and maintenance of population B (the majority) I make it that population A becomes a 78% majority in six generations. However this is utterly meaningless as it assumes that trends in population growth will remain constant over the six generations, there will be no interbreeding between population A and population B and finally that birth rate is the only factor in population growth.

That is true in a simple model of doubling population (it would be 5 generations to go from 10% to 78% actually), but the impact of birth-rates on the overall population is a bit more complicated than that.


Basically I took my statement from a programme I watched a number of years ago about the weapons of warfare. (I think it was Peter Snow, but can’t remember). In one they discussed the weapon of DNA, and that the 10%/90% 6 generations rule was well understood by warlords.


I recall discussion that American Indians were fond of removing the breeding line of enemy chiefs, how rape is used as a weapon, and how simply out-breeding the enemy has been used throughout history. It’s no small coincidence that many religious sects encourage large families, polygamy, only the males marrying outside the religion, forced conversions, or the evils of contraception/abortion etc.


I didn’t believe the 10/90% statement, and being fond of maths, I simply constructed a model in Excel and proved it. I’ve still got it. Based on 3 score years and ten, two different populations A and B, both identical with the exception that A has twice the birth-rate of B, then it did indeed take just 6 generations for A to move from a 10% minority to a 90% majority. Moving the average life expectancy to 80, changes the number of generations required to just 5. In theory this could take just 150 years.


Of course this is the sort of “apocalyptic prophecy” used in those YouTube videos by people scaremongering that “teh muslims are taking over”. It doesn’t take account of inevitable breeding between the groups. But it does show how fast change can be, as boyfiday’s comparison of Victorian times highlights.


Personally, I don’t care what population looks like in 150 years. I’ll be dead. Besides, I’m a 50/50 mixture myself. But I can speak from some sort of experience of how change can cause conflict, and has to be managed. It won’t be the colour of people’s skin though, it will be ideas. My parents had to flee to the UK because in a single generation their country changed from majority secular, to minority secular, tolerant to intolerant.


I am uncomfortable with the idea of the UK population growing from 55m to 79m, and the world population growing from 6.5bn to 9.2bn, because it is predicted to do this in my lifetime. I am uncomfortable that despite this there are still sections of society that promote large families as a moral duty.


Of course, it’s not so much the idea of the population growing to 9.2bn that, in isolation, I am uncomfortable with. Just as it’s not the fall that kills you, but the sudden stop, it’s more the period when the population crashes from 9.2bn to a few million that concerns me. We seem to be intent on being witness to it. :o


Apologies for the long post.

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We are all immigrants, apart from the original Celts .. Romans, Anglo Saxons, Vikings, Normans until the present day immigrants from Eastern Europe. Englishness, does not exist in reality.


I haven't mentioned Englishness up to now but obviously it exists because it has a clear identity dominated by a little something called the English language.

As for all our ancestors, historically, being immigrants what's that got to do with anything? There's a world of difference in a number of different European tribes trying to settle in a new land that has various warring factions in it and has a population of probably less than five million as opposed to a relatively secure and settled nation that is highly populated with over 60 million and forecast to go much higher.

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Could you clarify the point you're making Shy talk? What are the salient differences between Jamaica, Argentina and Somalia, compared to the UK?


Mexico is a better example than Argentina. Mexico and Jamaica are out of control, practically dozens of shootings, many fatal, every day; and Somalia is Somalia...nuff said.


Western Europe isn't perfect, there is always room for improvement, like a more ethical form of capitalism perhaps, but western Europe is the best place in the world in terms of safety, stability and arguably culture.

Will it stay this way if Europeans become the biggest minority group here, rather than just the vast majority?

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Nothing particularly wrong with it, but there are just too many people on the world as it is. We all need to be having fewer children, not more.


We need to reduce the UK population by about 12 million at least. Life was so much less stressful when there wasn't so many of us. :)


McDonalds, Burger King, KFC and all those Asian take aways selling trays full of very spurious excuses for food for £2.50 a shout have got it in hand. If continuous consumption of that crap doesn't kill you, nothing will. :suspect:

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